Homework Assignment: Trip Expenses
- Due Nov 20, 2023 by 11:59pm
- Points 200
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Nov 13, 2023 at 12am - Dec 1, 2023 at 11:59pm
Salesperson Trip Expenses
Consider the following relations in the relational schema for a database that keeps track of business trips of Sales Representatives in a sales office:
salesperson(SSN, lName, startYear, deptNo)
trip(tripID, SSN, fromCity, toCity, departureDate, returnDate)
expense(tripID, accountNumber, amount)
Part 1
Answer the Following 3 Questions. Places Your Answers in a Word Processor
- identify the primary key for each table.
- Identify the foreign keys in each table.
- Given the above foreign keys, list the order in which the tables could be successfully created.
Write your Answers using a Word Processor
Review the Relational Schema and other necessary material in this assignment to create the metadata document for the above relational schema.
Write your Metadata using a Spreadsheet or a Word Processor. Submit the Final Version as a PDF
Open up a text editor such as Visual Studio Code.
Write the SQL SELECT Queries to respond to the following Information Requests
- Find the SSN and Name or Sales Representatives that took trips to ‘CHICAGO’.
- Find the total trip expenses incurred by the salesman with SSN = ‘123-45-6789’.
- Find the tripID, SSN, fromCity, tocity, departureDate, returnDate, and amount for trips that exceed $2000 in expenses.
Save the three SELECT Queries in a SQL Text File with an SQL Extension
Below is the Link to Download the ER Diagram for the Database
TripExpences.pdf Download TripExpences.pdf
Below is the Link to Download the Sample Database
Assn10 Comp-Assignment.sql Download Assn10 Comp-Assignment.sql
Submit the Following Files
- A Word Processing File or PDF File Containing the Answers to Part 1
- A Spreadsheet File to PDF containing the Metadata for Part 2
- A SQL Text File with an SQL Extension Containing the SELECT Queries responding to the information request in Part 3