Course Syllabus
CHEMISTRY 101/103 Course:
The course is design primarily as an internet course with all testing online.
CHEM 103: There is NO Lab requirement for the course.
CHEM 101: There is a LAB requirement.
MEETING DATES & TIME: See the Canvas Schedule (Calendar or Syllabus). ***Campus meetings TBD!***
Note that the calendar is for general scheduling with all course meeting and dues dates. Online review meetings may also be scheduled or requested using Zoom. The due dates are found below.
Standard Grading - Total Point Average
A = 90+% ; B = 80-89%; C = 70-79%; D = 60-69%; F = below 60%
CHEM 101 Final Grade = 85% Quiz Average + 15% Lab Grade
- CHEM 103 Final Grade = 100% Quiz Average
The Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) will automatically enter a grade of zero (0) for all assignments and quizzes submitted after the due date and time. You may still complete the assignment or quiz, but there may be a reduction in points for late submissions per the discretion of the instructor.
CHEM 101 LAB Note: You must complete and submit 9 labs and successfully complete the tests to pass the course. A final course grade of "F" will be reported if this requirement is not met.
Organize and pace yourself in order to get all the work done!
Smith, J.G., General, Organic and Biological Chemistry, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 2022
- ISBN10: 1260732029
- ISBN13: 9781260732023
- Amazon also rents textbooks!
- Note that the ISBN may differ from the College's edition. The College version is customized to CCP. The textbook may be used for CHEM 101/103 and CHEM 102/104.
CHEM 101 Lab Book: No Lab Book Required. See Lab course in CANVAS.
Students with Disabilities
Students who are registered with the Center on Disability must inform the instructor by the end of the first week of classes if special accommodations are requested. If you have any questions about special accommodations, please contact the Center on Disability call at 215-751-8050 (in Room BG-39).
The dates are posted in the Syllabus tab or Canvas Calendar.
Contacts: Prof Michael Gregor email: | mobile: 610-585-2003 (text preferred)
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |