Course Syllabus

Contacts: Prof Michael Gregor email: | mobile: 610-585-2003 (text preferred)

Lab professor- Gloria Ruszkiewicz Brown:  email: | mobile:  267-307-4463 (text preferred)

Chemistry 101 has a LAB requirement. There are three (3) campus labs and seven (7) home-based labs. The requirement is that nine (9) labs must be completed and submitted. Note that one lab grade is dropped. The dropped lab may be a campus lab or a home lab.

Lab Report sections:

  • Cover page
    • Purpose - brief reason the lab is being performed. 
    • Concepts - write up two concepts reviewed in the textbook. Use full sentences for full credit!
    • Conclusion - Brief discussion of lab, findings, errors, etc. 
    • Data pages - documentation used to record lab results with calculations.
  • Data Sheets
    • Including any pre and/or post lab questions. Confirm with your instructor which questions are required. 

Lab Submissions:

  • Submit the lab reports to the Instructor using the following methods:
    • Each lab is set up as a “quiz” allowing you to enter (copy/paste) the lab cover report online. Attach the data sheet as an MS Word or PDF file
    • Email the lab using Canvas email
    • Bring the labs in when you come on campus for the lab meeting (inform your instructor if you are doing this)
    • Drop the report off in an envelope addressed to the instructor at W4-50
    • (Least Preferred) the College Fax (215-496-6059).
  • Grading
    • Nine (9) lab reports are required in order to pass the lab and lecture courses. A grade of "F" will be assigned if the requirement is not met. You must pass the lab course in order to pass the CHEM 101 course, section 950. The average of the lab report grades will be reported as the final lab grade in the CHEM 101 950 Section.
      • Consult with your Instructor if you encounter any issue in meeting this requirement.
    • Each lab is graded on a 10 point basis.
    • Lab reports not submitted by the published due date will be automatically assigned a grade of zero (0). The maximum grade for late labs is a grade of "B." 
    • Late lab report grades may be reduced in the final grade.
    •  ANY LAB REPORT SUBMITTED AFTER THE DUE DATE IS CONSIDERED LATE and may not be accepted by your instructor. 

The dates are posted in the Home and Syllabus tabs.


LABS (10 points each)


Lab 1 – Measurement

Required for the Midterm Grade

Lab 2 – Solubility

Required for the Midterm Grade

Lab A – Density

On Campus

Lab 3 - Current Events

Required for the Midterm Grade

Lab 4 - Paper Chromatography

Required for the Midterm Grade

Lab B - Empirical Formula

On Campus

Lab 5 – Reactions


Lab 6 – Gases


Lab C - Molar Mass

On Campus

Lab 7 - Household Labels


Course Summary:

Date Details Due