FNMT 118 001 15A SP20 - Intermediate Algebra
Community College of Philadelphia
FNMT 017-001: Elementary Algebra
(3 Credit Hours)
Professor William C. Reil
Fall 2024: In-person Course - Starts 9/7/24
Email: wreil@ccp.edu
Office hours: by appointment or mutual agreement. Please try to speak with me first, if possible, before or after class, before sending any emails (include your phone number).
Class days: Saturday 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Classroom: NERC -
CRN: 44894
Materials: Assignments on ALEKS in Canvas, appropriate computer (not Chromebook) and modalities as indicated in class
Learning Objectives
The purpose of this course is to learn the following: The real number system, algebraic expressions and equations, factoring, linear equations and inequalities in one variable, absolute value. Particular emphasis is placed on translating mathematical theorems and ideas into simple linguistic forms, where possible.
Math 016 or placement test
Grading Scale:
P (passing): 70% - 100%
MP (making progress): <70% avg., full participation/attendance, clear improvement
F (failure): <70% avg., unsatisfactory participation and/or little or no improvement
FS (failure; stopped participating)
Weighting Grades
25% ALEKS; 25 % Test 1; 25% Test 2; 25% Final Exam
College Policies
Standard college policies are observed in the classroom, including those involving attendance, food (no gum) and drink, and cellphones.
Classroom Behavior
Only behavior conducive to learning is permitted in the classroom. Promptness and full attendance at class is expected.
Disability Information
Students with disabilities should make arrangements with the Center on Disabilities and then speak to me privately for appropriate accommodations. Center on Disabilities: BG39; phone 215-751-8050; email: cod@ccp.edu.
Anyone who missed an excessive number of classes is subject to being dropped for inadequate attendance.
Every classroom has a poster with instructions on how to evacuate the room in an emergency. The poster shows how to go to the nearest exits, and where the nearest rescue area is located.
You should read this poster carefully so you will know what to do in the event of an emergency evacuation. Also, if you need assistance to leave the building, you should let your instructor know. Someone will help you get to the nearest rescue area.
Proposed Course Outline
See ALEKS assignment list and learning objectives - 2 to 3 assignments per week
The content of this syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |