Syllabus Isaac Pesenson MATH 251 10 wk

Math 251 (10 week) Statistics for Science

PROFESSOR:  DR. Pesenson               EMAIL:




Algebra-based statistics for science. Statistical topics include descriptive measures, graphical methods, discrete and continuous probability distributions, estimation, one- and two-tailed hypothesis testing and categorical data. Prerequisite: MATH 118 with a grade of “C” or better or MATH 161 (or higher) placement.



TEXT: The PearsonMyLab MyMathLab Standalone Access Code (online text only) can be purchased at either Links to an external site. ($129.80 as of Summer 2017) or the CCP Main bookstore (printed customized text with access code $190.85 as of Summer 2017). Only a PearsonMyLab access code is mandatory. PearsonMyLab contains ALL assignments, videos, and the text online ("Elementary Statistics," 12th Edition Links to an external site. by Mario F. Triola, Boston: Pearson/Addison-Wesley, ©2014) so a printed textbook is optional. 


Directions for Doing PearsonMyLab Statistics Assignments

The following explains how to navigate through PearsonMyLab to do your online assignments and some helpful advice. The resources in this online course are strategically set up so that you may go directly to attempting the assignments as soon as you login. All graded assignments (homework and Final Exam) should be completed by the due date/time given in MyLab. No exceptions beyond the extension dates/times given in the home tab of Canvas.


Login to Links to an external site. and click on Homework in the left margin.

Select the graded Chapter Assignment Homework and question # you want to do.

NOTE: No two Students in the class will get the same questions!



 For the best learning outcomes it is strongly recommended to submit all

the graded assignments on weekly bases. However, if for some

reasons you can not keep up with weekly schedule you have to

obey the following deadlines:









There are many resources in the right margin of the assignment exercise to help you answer the question correctly: Help Me Solve This, View an Example, Video, Animation, Textbook Pages, and StatCrunch. View these resources FIRST (i.e. read the text pages, watch the videos/animations), learn how to do the exercise, and then complete the exercise. Note: After you go through Help Me Solve This, new question numbers will be regenerated.



A calculator is mandatory. Windows has a calculator under Start –Programs -Accessories -Calculator. In addition, you can use  MyLab’s StatCrunch. StatCrunch is a spreadsheet program which allows you to perform most of the statistical routines. You may also use Excel, Minitab, Statdisk, or the Ti Calculator as discussed in the technology sections in your textbook. Excel is available on all CCP computers.  StatCrunch, Statdisk, and DDXL (an add-in for Excel) can be found in PearsonMyLab under Tools for Success (in left margin). Plenty of smartphone apps are also available.


TABLES: Tables A-2, A-3, A-6 can be found under

Tools for Success (in left margin)- Triola Statistics Series Review Card.



Your Grade Will Depend Upon Your Persistence.

After you click “Check Answer,” if you get the exercise wrong on the first try, MyLab will give you a few more tries to answer it right. BEWARE: if you use “Help Me Solve This” it will count as 1 attempt. Homework questions have unlimited attempts by clicking “Similar Exercise” or “Try Again.” If you want to take a break, click “Save” then come back to doing your assignment whenever you like.


TESTS: The Final Exam (110 MINUTES, available in Week 1) can be found under Quizzes & Tests in the left margin and can be taken as many times as you like up to the due date/time. BEST SCORE counts.


GRADING: To get your Final weighted Average, add up ALL the points you’ve earned for each assignment and divide by the total # of POSSIBLE points. Note: Each assignment has a different point value.

Convert to a %. Verify your grade% in PearsonMyLab Gradebook.
Timeliness of doing assignments (as per the syllabus), reading the discussion posts, and performance on the Final Exam will be taken into account, especially in borderline and equivocal cases.  You must work on ALL assignments to complete the course. Otherwise, a letter grade will be dropped for missing assignments.


1                      1-1 Population vs Sample, 1-2 Converting Fract to %, 1-3 Data Types, 1-4 Sampling

                        Complete CH1 ASSIGNMENT1

2                      2-2 Frequency Table, 2-3 Histogram, 2-4 Graphs, 3-2 Mean, Median, Mode


3                      3-3 Variance/Standard Deviation, 3-4 Percentiles, z-Score, Boxplot


4                      4-2 Probability, 4-3 Addition Rule, 4-4 Multiplication Rule; 5-2 Probability Distributions


5                      6-2 Standard Normal Applications

6                      6-3 Normal, 6-5 CLT; Complete CH6 ASSIGNMENT6                             

7                      7-2 Proportion z-Confidence Interval for 1 sample (also Read 5-3 Binomial)

8                      7-3 Mean t-Confidence Interval for 1sample; Complete CH7 ASSIGNMENT7     

9                      8-2 Hypothesis Testing (HT), 8-3 z-test for 1 sample

10                    8-4 t-test for 1 sample

                        Complete CH8 ASSIGNMENT8

11                    9-2 Proportion z-test for 2 samples

12                    9-3 Mean t-test for 2 Independent Samples

13                    9-4 Mean Matched Pairs t-test, 10-2 Correlation

                        Complete CH9 ASSIGNMENT9     

14                    10-3 Simple Regression, 10-4 Variation, 10-5 Multiple Regression

                        Complete CH10 ASSIGNMENT10

15                    FINAL EXAM



Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Graph a set of one-variable data and identify symmetry, skewness, number of clusters, and outlier
  2. Make a scatter plot of two-variable data and use it to describe the linear correlation between the two variables
  3. Compute and interpret one-variable and two-variable descriptive statistics including mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range, standard deviation, variance, correlation, slope, and intercept
  4. Use probability rules, counting rules, and formulas to compute probabilities
  5. Compute confidence intervals and test hypotheses about proportions, means, and variances
  6. Algebraically manipulate statistical formulas to derive other statistical formulas

Grading: To calculate your Final weighted Average, add up the total # of points you've earned on all Assignments and divide by the total amount of possible points (points can be found in “Gradebook” in PearsonMyLab). Convert to a %. Verify score in MyLab Gradebook. Timeliness of doing assignments (as per the syllabus), reading the discussion posts, and performance on the Final Exam will be taken into account, especially in borderline and equivocal cases.  You must work on ALL assignments to complete the course. Otherwise, a letter grade will be dropped for missing assignments.

A >= 90%

80% <= B <= 89%

70% <= C <= 79%

60% <= D <= 69%

F <= 59%



Your attendance is determined by the latest date you visited Canvas. Students with unsatisfactory attendance

will be dropped.



Math and Business Learning Lab, Bonnell Building, Room B2-36
(Mathematics, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Marketing)
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Call 215-751-8481 for more information.

*After 4:15 p.m., Math and Science tutors are available in the Central Lab

Monday-Thursday from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Regional Centers

Northeast Regional Center, Learning Commons

Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Closed Sunday
Call 215-972-6236 for more information.

Northwest Regional Center, Room 121

Monday-Thursday: 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Closed Sunday
Call 215-496-6020 for more information.

West Regional Center, Learning Commons

Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Closed Sunday
Call 267-299-5848 for more information.

  If you have any questions you are encouraged to contact me at and we can also meet during my office hours

which I'm holding on Main Campus, B1-9A, TR, 

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a

disability  should contact the Center  on Disability (Bonnell Building, Room

BG-39,  215-751-8050 or Email Us (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Links to an external site.Links to an external site.) to discuss the specific situation as

soon as possible.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due