Course Introduction Overview

Week 1 - Chapter 1


Topic:  Fundamentals  of Database Systems



  • Read the weekly overview

  • Read the lecture notes posted in weekly modules

  • Participate in the weekly discussion forums

  • Review the supplement documents and example code posted in the weekly modules

  • Attempt the weekly practice exercise

  • Complete the weekly assignment

  • Complete the weekly quiz


 Since this is a face to face section of the CIS 205 course, it will be your responsibility to participate in many of the home work assignment activities outside of the scheduled hours for the course.  If you do not have your own personal computer, CCP provides computer resources in the Student Academic Computer Center (SACC ) Open Computer Labs.   As the semester progresses, it will be to your advantage to read ahead and be prepared for the topic. The reference material in the modules will be available for your review throughout the semester. We begin this week by first going over the class Syllabus.  The syllabus is the binding contract that instructors have with tier students.  There are two major reading activities this week.  The first is to read Chapter 1 in our courses textbook.  This chapter will prepare you for the weekly quiz for this week and the two discussion topics for the week.  To get full credit, when participating in a discussion forum, you must first post your own unique contribution, and then post on at least two other student's contribution to the discussion.  

The second major reading assignment is a PDF file that will start to prepare you for writing single table queries using the SELECT statement in the Structured Query Language (SQL).  During the first seven weeks of the course we will get weekly practice writing single table queries in SQL.  During the second half of the semester we will expand that and work primarily with multiple table queries.  Both of the reading documents for his week will begin to explore what a database is and how information is structured and stored in modern database management systems.   


This will be a light week since we only meet once in class because of the holiday.


Highlights This Week

Introduction to Course

 Review Syllabus

Overview of Relational Database Management Systems

Overview of Basic Select Statement Structure

Writing Single Table Queries  


 Single Table Query Assignment


 Database Management Systems PDF File

 Chapter 1 in Textbook

Example Exercise

 Will discuss during class.  I will work out an example exercise of writing single table queries for you in class 

Online Discussions for the Week

Discussion 1

  •  What is the role of a DBMS, and what are its advantages? What are its disadvantages?

Discussion 2

  •  What is a DBMS, and what are its functions?


Weekly Quiz 

Complete Week 1 Quiz online