Course Syllabus
Computer Information Systems 205 |
This page contains the syllabus for Computer Information Systems 205 – Database Management Systems, as offered in the Spring 2018 Semester at Community College of Philadelphia. It is published by the instructor as a communication and contract with students. For official College information, including course listings, schedules, etc., contact
For information on Computer Information Systems and Computer Science programs and courses at Community College of Philadelphia try:
Computer Information Systems 205 - Database Management Systems
4 credits (8 hours lecture, 2 hours lab per week)
This course provides an introduction to the design and implementation of relational data base management systems using Structured Query Language (SQL). The course covers fundamental data base design and implementation techniques and provides hands-on exercises for applying the techniques to real-world problems through the use of database management software such as Microsoft Access and MySQL.
Prerequisites: CIS 103.
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
- Design and Create Conceptual Relational Database Using a professional modeling application
- Implement Physical Database from a Conceptual Design
- Work as part of a professional team to design, code, test and debug normalized databases
- Correctly use the elements of Relational Algebra retrieving result sets from relational databases
- Create source code and execute SQL statements that are syntactically correct
- Demonstrate a knowledge of input and output routines, data types, and data operations
- Demonstrate a knowledge of key concepts in Database Theory
Who Should Take Course and Why
This course is structured for student wanting advance training in designing, implementing and interacting with relational databases using professional Relational Database Management Systems RDMS. Additionally, students wanting to survey advanced concepts in the Database Theory, Database Programming, and Database Implementation should take this course.
Craig Nelson Office: Room C3 – 1F CBI Building Phone: (215) – 972-6228 Email: Website:
Office Hours: By Appointment only during Summer Sessions Mondays 9:30 am. – 11:30 am. Wednesdays 9:30 am. – 11:30 am. Thursdays Fridays |
If you have any questions concerning the course, contact me anytime via e-mail. Most questions about course work can be answered best via e-mail, which allows me to send you a written response with examples or references. |
Title: Database Systems: Introduction to Databases and Data Warehouses
Authors: Nenad Jukic, Susan Vrbsky, Svetlozar Nestorov
Publisher: Prospect Press
ISBN: 978-1-943153-19-0
Book Price: $ 99.35 new in Community College’ bookstore
$ 74.50 used in Community College’ bookstore
$ 62.00 used on Amazon
We will also rely heavily upon classroom notes, online tutorials, Internet references and exercises distributed through the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) by the instructor. Each week, Canvas, the Website for the class, will be updated to include links to the upcoming week’s material and assignments. Also, weekly announcement will be sent describing new concepts and weekly assignments. The Website for the class is accessed through the Canvas (LMS). We will review how to access the Canvas LMS in our introduction to the course lecture, the first day of class.
From the start of the course, students will need to use a text editor that is SQL enabled. Students with Windows Operating Systems (OS) may use the free open source text editor named (Note Pad ++), it is an SQL enabled text editor; I will demonstrate how to use it in one of our face to face meetings. If you are working from home, and using Microsoft Windows, I strongly recommend using Note Pad ++ when creating SQL script in the class. If you are using an Apple Desktop (OS) or a Linux Desktop OS to execute your SQL Script, I will suggest some industry recommended application tools and text editor applications to you in weekly class announcement.
Students taking this course are entitled to a Microsoft Imagine account. Microsoft Imagine, formerly known as DreamSpark, is a Microsoft program to provide students with free software design and development tools. Once again, at no charge. This will provide the privilege of downloading many Microsoft products free of charge. Microsoft Office however, is not included in the list of products that are available to you for free download. It may take a couple of weeks to get your Imagine accounts activated. I will wait for the final class list before sending the final clas list to the Microsoft Imagine account manager. If you require a productivity suite such as Microsoft Office, you may download a free open source office suite such as Libre-Office. Additionally, for productivity suits activities and tasks, you may use a web services such as Google Docs or Microsoft 365 to write your professional documents for the course. To my understanding, all students will have access to install Microsoft Office 365 at no cost on your Personal Computers through your MyCCP account. To my understanding you have up to five installs for 5 different personal devices
We will use additional utility software in this course. All of the software applications that we will use in class are installed on the computers in the classroom and on the computers in the SACC Open Computer Labs. If you plan on working on assignments from home, they may be downloaded from their websites listed below
Open Source Text Editor used to create SQL commands. It recognizes reserve words and other special syntax in the SQL Database Language. I will use this editor to illustrate examples of SQL Script. All SQL Script must be written using a text editor not a word processing program. You do not have to use NOTEPAD ++, however, you must use a text editor.
All SQL Script must be submitted as file in a Text File Format. SQL Script in a Word Processor Format or copied and pasted into the Canvas will not be accepted as an assignment submission
Link to Download Note Pad ++
MySQL Community SERVER
Students wanting to work at home will need to download a version of MySQL Server. When we get to applied database activities, this will be the primary software that we will work with. You may use the following link to acquire a free copy of MySQL. Select the MYSQL Community Server link from the download portal. You may then select from the version that matches the Operating System (OS) that you have at home. This is a fully functional Enterprise Level Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). If you are using an Apple Computer at home, you must use interface software to send queries to MySQL. We will use a Microsoft Windows OS in class. Microsoft Windows does not require the use of interface software.
For the first couple of weeks of the semester the class will briefly examine the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Microsoft Access. We will only review Microsoft Access for a couple of weeks. This course will expose you to a variety of RDBMS. Additionally, you will explore a more sophisticated RDBMS. MySQL Server is the chosen (RDBMS) for this course.
Since we will only use MS Access for a couple of weeks, the 30 day trial version should meet your needs for the course
The following Link will direct you to Microsoft’s Trial Software Center
You will also receive a free registration to Microsoft Imagine. You may use Microsoft Imagine to download and burn a DVD that you can use to install a full non trial version of Microsoft Access.
During the first half of the course, students will be explore and get exposed to concepts and skill sets in Database Modeling. It is strongly encouraged to put extra effort into modeling your assignments using a professional modeling tool. The modeling tool of choice for this class will be Microsoft Visio; you may also use Microsoft Word and its drawing tools, as the modeling assignments will not be very sophisticated. You will be able to obtain a copy of Visio through your Imagine Account. Your Imagine Account should be offered to you by the second week of this course. I will request the class’s registration once I am sure of the final enrollment in this section of the course.
*** All submitted ER Modeling Assignments must be submitted as a PDF document with your name embedded in the document ***.
Optionally, you can use an online service such as Gen My Model. This may be a helpful tool to students who wish to use Mac Computers at home. MS Visio only can only be installed on a Windows Operating System. Gen My Model is an online tool that you can use through your web browser. It can be used as a substitute modeling tool for Mac Users to make ER Diagrams. Windows and Linux users can also use this tool as an alternative to MS Visio. There will is only one assignment where a Visio Crows Foot Style Diagram will be required. If you do not have access to MS Visio, you can use college resources in the SACC Open Computer Lab to complete this assignment. The minimum requirement for all other modeling assignments will be a Chen Diagram. You will be able to do Chen Diagramming with a professional Word Processor such as Microsoft Word.
Use the link below to access Gen My Model
Mac Users also have the option of installing a virtual machine on your Mac, and then acquiring a version of Windows from your Microsoft Imagine registration. Once Windows is installed on the Virtual Machine, you can download and install Visio to your Windows running on your virtual machine.
Topics, Schedule and Links to Class Notes
The class meets Monday and Wednesday 11:30 am to 2:00 pm in room C3-20 from January 16, 2018 through May 3, 2018. This is a face to face version of CIS 205. This section meets face to face in the classroom. Students will also have access to the course online using the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). You will be able to access the class online using the Canvas LMS. All assignments must be submitted through the Canvas LMS.
Details of the course schedule, such as notes on upcoming classes, will be posted in the Canvas LMS as the course progresses. Some content may get more emphasis then others and some material may move to different weeks depending on the needs of the class. All students should review class announcements, assignments and posted reading material weekly.
The class meets both face to face in class and online for assignment submissions and supplemental material during the spring 2018 semester January 16, 2018 - May 3, 2018. This is a 14-week face section of CIS 205. Details of the course schedule, such as notes on upcoming topics in classes, will be posted in Canvas as the course progresses. Some content may get more emphasis then others and some material may move to different weeks depending on the needs of the class. At times I may augment topics, assignments and schedules as needed. This is a face to face Computer Technology course. The class also uses some online tools, the primarily tool will be the Canvas Learning Management (LMS). We will also correspond regularly using CCP Email Canvas Messaging, and Canvas Announcements. It is your responsibility to review your CCP Email and Canvas Announcements regularly for class announcements and updates.
For the official College Academic Calendar, see
Projected Weekly Schedule
Week 1 |
Tuesday, January 16 – Monday, January 22 |
Introduction to the course Introduction to Canvas LMS Introduction to the Modern Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) Single Table Queries Data Models |
Week 2 |
Mon, January 22 – Monday, January 29 |
Single Table Queries
Introduction to Database Requirements and Database ER Model |
Week 3 |
Mon, January 29 – Monday, February 5 |
Single Table Queries Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling |
Week 4 |
Mon, February 5– Monday, February 12 |
Single Table Queries Creating Metadata and Data Dictionaries |
Week 5 |
Mon, February 12– Monday, February 19 |
Single Table Queries Enhanced Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling |
Week 6 |
Mon, February 19– Monday, February 26 |
Normalization of Database Tables
Week 7 |
Mon, February 26– Sunday, March 3 |
Relational Algebra · Unions · Joins · Intersections · Differences
Spring Break |
Mon, March 5– Sunday, March 11 |
No Assignments During Break
Week 8 |
Mon, March 12– Monday, March 19 |
Structured Query Language (SQL) · SQL Multi-Table Joins · Data Definition Language(DDL) · Data Manipulation Language (DML) · Data Control Language (DCL)
Implementing a Database with MySQL
Week 9 |
Mon, March 19– Monday, March 26 |
Structure Query Language · SQL Multi-Table Joins · Advance Select Statements · SQL Multi-Table Joins · Updating Tables · Deleting Rows/Tuples
Week 10 |
Mon, March 26– Monday, April 2 |
Advanced SQL · Sorting and grouping data · Using Built in Functions Computed Fields
Week 11 |
Mon, April 2 – Monday, April 9 |
Advanced SQL · Altering Tables · Nested Queues/ Inner Queries |
Week 12 |
Mon, April 9 – Monday, April 16 |
Final Project Review Thanksgiving Break |
Week 13 |
Mon, April 16 – Monday, April 23 Final full week of Classes |
Data Warehousing · Data Warehouse Concepts · Data Warehouse and Data Mart Modeling · Data Warehouse Implementation
Week 14 |
Mon, April 23 – Final Day of Classes |
Procedural SQL (PSSQL) · Introduction to MySQL Procedures · Introduction to MySQL Triggers · Final Projects are Due
Finals Week |
Friday, April 27 – Monday, May 3 |
Final Projects Are Due |
During the semester there are several different types of graded activities
- Weekly Quizzes
- Participation in weekly class discussions
- Course assignments, they will be a mixture writing SQL statements and creating data modeling documents. We will also have Group Projects that use a variety of Collaboration Tools such as Document Markup in MS Word, collaboration tools in Canvas and other cloud based collaboration tools. This will permit team members to review assignments together and use tools for collaborative editing of lab reports
All SQL Assignments must be submitted in a Text File not a Word Processing formatted file
ALL Database Models (ER Diagrams) must be submitted in a PDF formatted file - Research Essay (3-5 Pages plus References).
- Final project and presentation (Points To Be Announced (TBA))
Final grades will determined based on the percentage of the total points each student has earned during the semester. Grades will be calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total possible points that you could have earned during the semester. The Canvas LMS may not accurately display your up to date class percentile. You should keep a running total of the points that you earned and the total possible points you could have earned each week during the semester. This will provide you with the most accurate view of your grade during any week. Below is a chart of percentages as they relate to a letter grade.
A – 90% to 100 % | B – 80% to 89 % | C – 70% to 79 % | D – 60% to 69 % | F - less than 60 %
If you have questions about specific grades or your overall progress at any time during the semester, then please consult with me. I will be glad to review individual items and your overall grade at any time. See me during lab times in class or you may schedule an appointment with me during my posted office hours for the semester.
All College policies regarding attendance, classroom behavior, etc., will be enforced, and may affect your grade as the instructor deems appropriate.
Each Module in Canvas contains a list of assignments for that module. In CIS 205 each module may contain the following types of assignments: SQL Assignments must be submitted as text documents format, preferably with an SQL extension, not in a word processor format. ER Diagram Assignments must be submitted in PDF Format. Metadata Assignments must be in a Word Processor Table Format, Spreadsheet format or PDF Format.
In Class Practice Assignments: This type of assignments in done in class during lab time or lecture time. This typically will involve following along in class as your professor demonstrate the skills needed to do the homework assignment in the module. In some instances it will also involve a little problem solving on your part. Sometimes the problem solving will be an individual independent task. Other times it will involve a collaborative effort in groups or as a class. The skills that will be illustrated parallel the skills needed to do the associated homework assignment in the module. In you miss the in class demonstration, you are still responsible for the in class assignment. In the event that you miss attending an in class practice assignment demonstration, you should collaborate with students or schedule a meeting during your professors scheduled office hours for assistance. Most in class practice assignments will remain open a couple of days past the day the activity was reviewed in class.
All Practice Assignments must be submitted through the assignment submission drop box in the Canvas LMS
Email submissions will not be accepted
Homework Assignments: This type of assignment is done outside of the classroom. You may use college resources or your own personal resources to complete the assignment. The college provides SACC Open Computer Labs for your use. These labs are on every CCP Campus. You should research the hours of availability of the SACC Labs if you choose to use college resources for your homework assignments.
You may also use your own personal resources to complete the homework assignments. All of the software used in this course is free Open Source Software. The software can be obtained by downloading and installing the programs to your own personal computer. The software will run on a variety of Operating System (OS) platforms including Windows, Apple OSX and Linux. A couple of the software applications are Windows specific. You can make adjustments to this using alternative applications. This may require a little extra effort on your part.
The recommended OS for this course in Microsoft Windows. There are some additional difficulties using some of the course software on a MAC OS
All Homework Assignments must be submitted through the assignment submission drop box in the Canvas LMS. Email submissions will not be accepted
Discussion Assignments: This type of assignment is an asynchronous chat between you and your classmates. This means that everyone is not participating at the same time. In most cases you will have at least a week to participate in the discussion assignment. It is best to start participating early in this type of assignment. From time to time I will participate to make sure everyone is on track of the topic. In order to get full credit for this type of assignment, you must post your own reply to the discussion topic. After posting your own reply, you must read the posts of several other classmates. You must then reply to the posts of at least two other participants in the discussion. This includes the replies of your other class mates or your instructor for this course.
Weekly Quiz Assignments: This is type of assignment is a chapter quiz. Most modules in this course is associated with a corresponding chapter in your textbook. Most weeks will include a brief quiz of concepts and terminology covered in the assigned chapter associated with the module. To prepare quizzes, you should thoroughly study the associated chapter. If the section is face to face, you should also attend the scheduled lecture of the topic prior to taking the quiz. If the section is online or hybrid, you should repeatedly study the chapter prior to taking the quiz. Quizzes re primarily multiple choice and (true or false) questions
The quizzes will be administered online through the Canvas LMS
Projects: There will be at least 1 major comprehensive project, which together with your weekly assignments will count towards your final grade. Some smaller projects and weekly assignments will be completed collaboratively in groups. Group Project grading will be a combination of group contribution and individual contribution. Students should start to interact with other students in the class to start forming groups. Students should inquire about each other’s availability and pick a group leader to take responsibility for coordinating group activities.
In Collaborative Projects, each student must submit their own copy of the project into Canvas
As previously mentioned, most weeks will have one or more discussion topics to respond to. Discussion forum points will count towards your final grade. There will be additional graded lab work and weekly assignments that will prepare you for the projects and exams; these will also count towards your final grade. You will have to use the material learned in class, textbook and additional class material to complete work in the lab assignments and projects. More information about lab assignments and projects will be posted for download in the Weekly Modules of the Module section in our courses website, Canvas, as the semester progresses.
In Collaborative Projects, each student must submit their own copy of the project into Canvas
There will be a series of weekly quizzes in the course. In fourteen week versions of this course, there will be a weekly quiz. In seven week versions of this course, there will two weekly quizzes instead of one weekly quiz.
A comprehensive final exam will be optional for students wanting to increase their final grade.
Assignment Submissions – All assignments are to be submitted through the file submission portal using the submit link for the assignment in the Canvas LMS. All submitted assignments document names must include your name and assignment name in the document being submitted. Any assignment submissions not following this naming format will not be accepted. Assignments will not be accepted through email. Do not attempt to submit your assignments as email attachments. If missed the assignment’s deadline date, you must request the reopening of the submission portal once the submission portal has closed. I will reopen the submission portal if the reason is justified. If I reopen an assignment, I will announce the reopening to the entire class. This will permit an equal opportunity for everyone. I do not accept hand written or printed material. Assignments must be created using a modern productivity tool such as text editors, Word processors, Spreadsheet, Presentation application.
Assignments submitted late are subject to a late penalty. Once an Assignment’s Scores are released and Assignment Feedback is provided, that assignment will no longer we accepted for assessment. Do not send assignments by email, they will not be accepted by email.
Some important Submission Notes
- Students or groups should notify me of assignment or projects that are behind schedule.
- ER Diagrams must be submitted in PDF format.
- SQL Script must be submitted as a text editor ASCI Text file, not in a Word Processing format. Do not submit SQL Script in a Word Processor Format, it will not be accepted in Word Processor Format.
- Do Send assignments as an attachment to message, assignments will not be accepted as attachments to messages
- Do not submit assignments in a Zip File. Canvas permits multiple document attachments in one submission. Simply add multiple documents to a single submission. It is like attaching multiple pictures to a single email. Assignments Submitted in a zipped file will not be accepted or assessed.
Notes from the Instructor – Keys to Successful Learning
Education is a Social Process
Architects use the metaphor of the campfire and the cave to describe spaces they are designing. A campfire is a place where people come together to be with one another to work, play, etc. A cave is a place where a person can rest, read, etc. alone quietly. Architects design business spaces to have both campfires and caves – places where they can conduct business and commerce with other people and places where people can work alone quietly when necessary.
Successful students need to spend time both at the campfire and in the cave. They need to engage with teachers and other students in classrooms labs, online forums, and so on, but they also need to have a time and place to work alone, reading studying, and developing a personal understanding of the course material.
In other words, education, like life itself, is both a social process and a personal psychological process.
We learn from other people and with other people. You should take the opportunity to communicate with and work with other students and your teacher. You can learn from them and they can learn from you. The course will be easier and you will learn more if you become part of the social fabric of the course.
Yet, ultimately we learn best by developing a personal understanding of the course material. We each need to spend time studying away from others to develop a personal, inner understanding of the course material beyond what can be learned communally.
This course moves along quickly. There will be reading and written homework assignments each week, So, you will need to quickly establish a pattern for how you will participate in the class each week and when you will find time to do your course work, alone, and working with others.
Learning Demands Participation
Woody Allen once said “The hardest part of making a movie is to get the actors to show up on time. The rest is a piece of cake.” The same thing is true for learning – students who show up for class and do their work each week will do well.
A great deal of educational research has shown that the single biggest factor in determining final grades is class attendance. No other factor, not I.Q., SAT scores, family wealth, ethnic origins, nor any other factor correlates as closely with final grades as classroom attendance. If you show up for class and do the required work each week you will do well, if not, you won’t do well. This is true, in part, because colleges and universities have a complex system of placement and prerequisites to make sure you are in a course that you are able to handle. You must show up for class and do the required work each week to do well in the course.
This is especially true in a weekly-oriented distance education course. Your grade is directly related to how much you participate in the course.
Computer Labs
All instruction will be in a computerized classroom with one workstation per student. Each workstation is connected to the College-wide network, with Internet and e-mail access, so students may e-mail files between the classroom and home.
Class time includes approximately two hours per week of lab time. You will still find it necessary to complete work outside of class.
The College has a number of open lab facilities for students. For more information visit the Student Academic Computing Center in room C3-17. An introduction to these facilities is included in the classes at Community College of Philadelphia that are prerequisite to this class.
Students are expected to utilize College-owned computer facilities as part of this class, including physical facilities, networks and Internet access and to become familiar with the policies and accepted behavior for these facilities.
The classroom-based version of this course meets for five hours per week. You should allow several hours per week for study and several hours per week for your lab assignments and homework assignments.
The College has a number of open lab facilities for students who wish to do their work on-campus. For more information see;
- If you do not come to class, you are absent. If you do miss class, please log into Canvas for assignment details.
- Failure to keep up with your assignments (no/lack of class participation) is also considered as being absent; therefore, if you do not submit your assignments, you will be marked absent for that week. This is particularly important for hybrid and online courses
- The school's policy is to drop students from class if they have 4 I will adhere to the school's policy within the 1st 7 weeks. After the 7th week, if you do not keep up with attendance and/or assignments, you most likely will fail this course. Any student who stops attending class and does not officially withdraw from the course will receive an F grade.
- This course will require 6 - 12 or more hours of study/lab time every week. Proper time management is the key to success in this course.
Canvas and Computer Resources
The class depends on your ability to use Canvas. If you have problems using Canvas, then please contact Vaishali Sharma, at For more information about Canvas, or Distance Education, please see the Distance Education Website at:
Student Academic Computing Centers (SACC)
Main Campus (CBI Building SACC) |
18th and Callowhill Sts. |
Northwest Regional Center |
12901 Townsend Rd |
Northwest Regional Center |
1300 W Godfrey Ave. |
West Regional Center |
4725 Chestnut St. |
Learning Lab Support
The Learning Lab will provide tutorial support for students requiring one on one tutorial support for this class. They may even be able to provide one on one tutorial support online using video conferencing. For more information on tutorial support for CIS courses contact:
Mavis Pogue. B2-36d 215-751-8474 mpogue@CCP.EDU
- Policies:
The CIS Department adheres to all College Policies. These can be found in your Student Handbook or at the following hyperlink:
Financial Aid:
Please see the College catalog regarding impact to Financial Aid if you drop this course.
It is best to reach me via e-mail ( Please include your name, and course number in the subject line.
You do not have to tell me about a single absence (See Attendance).
If you do not get a response from me within 24 hours, please send your e-mail again.
Classroom Conduct:
You should be punctual, alert, and prepared for each class session. You must be considerate of other students, which includes being quiet during class lecture and discussion except when you have something to contribute to the class. Cell phones and beepers will be turned off or on vibrate mode for the entire class. If necessary, you will take calls outside the classroom. Food, beverages and their containers are not permitted in the classroom. Homework and/or lab assignments should not be done during lecture.
See the uploaded document detailing Community College’s Academic Integrity Policy & Process. In summary, students must do their own work when the assignment specifies that it is an individual assignment. Assignments that are collaborative will be designated as being so. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any assignment presented by a student in fulfillment of course requirements must reflect his/her own work unless credit is properly given to others. Anyone who assists another in such academic dishonesty is equally responsible. The grade on the assignment will be an “F” for all parties involved, if an academic integrity violation is discovered.
Disability Accommodations Policy:
Students who are registered with the Center on Disability must inform the instructor by the end of the first week of classes if special accommodations are requested. Proper documentation must be presented.
- Strike 1 _ you and the parties’ involved will be given a ZERO (0) for the assignment NO MAKE UP.
- Strike 2 _ you and the parties’ involved will drop one final letter grade. This simply means that if you are carrying a B average in the course, your final grade will be a C. This will be the grade that you are “entitled” to as a result of your actions.
- Strike 3 _ you and the parties’ involved will fail the course.
Starfish Connect is a communication tool for students and faculty. Through Starfish instructors can provide feedback to you about course progress. Throughout the term, you may receive progress emails regarding your academic performance. The emails are designed to be helpful and increase your success in courses. Be sure to open any emails you receive and follow the recommendations. Instructors may also recommend that you contact a specific campus resource, such as the Learning Lab or Counseling Center. If an instructor makes a referral, you may also be contacted directly by this campus service as a follow-up. To access Starfish Connect, simply log into Canvas and click on the link, Starfish Connect. You can even set up a student profile. If you need assistance with Starfish Connect, you can email questions to
For more information on the degree programs & certificates offered by the Computer Technologies Department, visit the following links provided:
Computer Information Technology-Information Technology
- Computer Science
Computer Programming and Software Development Proficiency Certificate
Important Dates for the Spring 2018 Semester:
January 16, 2018 Spring 2018 (15-week) term begins February 13, Tuesday Spring 2018 (10-week) term begins March 5-11, Monday - Sunday Spring Break Monday March 26 Registration begins for continuing students for Summer/Fall 2018 Monday April 23 Final day of classes for Spring 2018 semester April 24 Tuesday Professional Development Day (Potential Emergency Closing make-up day)
April 25, Wednesday Professional Development Day/Study Day (Potential Emergency Closing make- up day)
Friday April 27-Thursday May 3 Final examinations, Spring 2018 semester
Last edited Monday, January 15, 2018 by C. Nelson
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |