Syllabus ACCT 102 Ruqayyah Archie
Community College of Philadelphia
Business Administration Department
Managerial Accounting - Accounting 102
Instructor: Ruqayyah Archie MBA, MAcc
E-mail: (expect an email response within 72 hours)
Office: B2-22H
Phone: 215-751-8056
Office Hours: TTh – 9:00 AM to 11:15 AM
Tuesday – 1:00 PM to 2 PM
Wednesday – 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM Northwest Regional Center
Course Description: Emphasis is placed on the evaluation of financial statements and development of decision-making techniques. Specialized topics include: the statement of cash flows, analysis of financial statements, time-value of money, capital budgeting, cost-volume-profit analysis, and an introduction to cost accounting.
Student Learning Outcomes: At the conclusion of this course the student will be able to
- discuss the different cost accumulation systems found in a manufacturing environment.
- accumulate and report product costs in both job order and processing costing systems, applying overhead using traditional plant wide application rates and activity based costing.
- isolate the fixed and variable components of a mixed cost, prepare an income statement in both traditional and contribution format.
- explain the difference between, and apply, absorption costing and variable costing to prepare an income statement in the contribution format.
- discuss, and perform, cost-volume- profit analysis.
- discuss, and perform, variance analysis.
- apply variance analysis.
- apply various analytic tools to perform capital budgeting decisions making.
- measure and classify cash flows to prepare a statement of cash flows using the indirect approach in the statement and direct approach to operating activities as a supporting schedule.
- discuss the 3 principle ratio groups and apply key ratios to evaluate an organization.
Course Materials: Horngren's Financial and Managerial Accounting. Miller-Nobles, Mattison, Matsumura. ACCT 102 - Managerial Accounting. Pearson.
The ISBN, for this custom package, that includes MyAccountingLab, is: 978-132316941-4. This custom package is only available in the CCP Bookstore.
You can also purchase the text - in e-book form and a passcode to access MyAccountingLab, directly from Pearson with a valid credit card or PayPal account.
MyAccountingLab: MyAccountingLab is an online resource center that will help you to learn and master ACCT 102. Access to MyAccountingLab is a requirement of the course.
Canvas: Canvas is the internet based course management system used at Community College of Philadelphia. Through Canvas, your instructor can post information and annoucements releated to the course, and communicate with students individually and as a group. If you have used Canvas in another course, your user name and password will be what you used previously. If this is your first itme using Canvas, you should go to: and click on "New User/Don't know your password" to sign-up as a user. You user name will be your MyCCP email address WITHOUT the "" extension.
Supplies: A four-function calculator that’s separate from your cell phone will definitely be helpful.
Communication: A great deal of communication is done electronically. Students are responsible for checking their Canvas email. Failure to check Canvas email does not excuse the student from any missed assignments, classes, etc. ALL email written to the instructor must be written in a professional manner to earn a reply.
Electronic Communication Devices: As you enter the classroom your cell phones and pagers must be switched to the silent, or off, mode and stored out of sight. In addition, cell phones may not be in view of, or in contact with, any student during exams.
Homework: To improve your chances of success in this class, all assigned homework should be completed. Homework will be assigned throughout the semester prior to beginning a new chapter. Being prepared for class means you have read the chapter and attempted the assigned exercises and problems.
To acquire a high level of confidence and proficiency, you should attempt additional exercises and problems. I will gladly review extra work you have attempted. Working in small groups has proven beneficial to prior students.
Homework for the course will consist of:
- from each chapter, there will be at least one problem that you will complete using MyAccountingLab, this is the chapter homework. These problems are similar to those in the book, but the data set will be different for each student. These assignments will have specific due dates and will count toward your course grade. You will have three chances to complete each problem.
- from each chapter, there will be a HW B assignment that consists of various exercises and will also be completed in MyAccountingLab. These exercises are similar to the exercises at the end of each chapter; however, you will have a different data set. You will have three chances to complete each exercise.
Graded Discussion: You will have a graded discussion each week with the exception of the Exam week. You will be responsible for posting a response to the discussion question(s) by mid-week and responding to at least one classmate by 11:59 PM on Sunday.
Quizzes: Each week, you will complete a quiz that consists of 10 questions; these questions will consist of multiple choice, matching, and short answer. You will have 1 hour to complete each quiz and you can only complete the quiz one time.
Examinations: During the semester, four exams, including a comprehensive final exam will be administered. The exam schedule is shown on the attached topical outline. The specific date of each exam will be announced at least 1 week prior to the exam. Make-up exams - exams administered at any tine other the announced class session, will not given.
Grading: Your course average will be calculated as follows:
Exams (3 out of 4 exams including the final) |
50% |
Homework |
20% |
Graded Discussion |
10% |
Quizzes |
10% |
Project |
10% |
Total |
100% |
The average for each component of your course average will be rounded to no decimal places prior to calculating your course average.
The College grading scale will apply:
A = 90 and greater course average
B = 80 - 89 course average
C = 70 - 79 course average
D = 60 - 69 course average
f = 59 and lower course average
Community College of Philadelphia's Early Alert Initiative: The system positively intervenes in Community College of Philadelphia's students' academic paths early and appropriately by effectively communicating current performance and supplying information beneficial to academic success. Faculty members have the opportunity to complete Early Alert reports at 20% and 50% reporting periods during the semester. Students will be assessed on the following items: attendance, punctuality, meeting assignment deadlines, classroom behavior, classroom participation and other factors pivotal to student success. Should you receive an Early Alert letter, you should follow up on the suggested intervention strategy as soon as possible.
Collusion and Plagiarism: Except when specifically permitted, all work that counts toward your grade is to be done independently and must be you own work. Violations of academic integrity can include, but are not limited to, cheating and plagiarism. Cheating is an intentional effort at deception or gaining of an unfair advantage in completing academic work. Plagiarism is the act of appropriating the work of another person and passing it off as one’s own. Any student who assists another in an activity that constitutes a violation of academic integrity is also responsible and accountable for such a violation. Violations of academic integrity will open a student to a 100% grade reduction and disciplinary action as described in Article III, Section 3 of the Student Code of Conduct. Refer to:
Disabilities: Accommodations will be made for those students with disabilities who provide registration documentation from the Center on Disability during the first two weeks of the semester.
College Policies and Procedures:
- The Community College of Philadelphia has developed College Policies and Procedures to protect the rights of students and provide information and resources to enhance the student’s learning experience at the college. It is recommended that all students read and reference these documents. You may review these memoranda at the reserve book in the Library, at the Office of Vice President for Student Affairs, M2-37 or the Office of Student Activities, S1-10. You can also access the documents online at:
- Classroom Conduct: It is expected that students will conduct themselves according to the guidelines found in the CCP College Policies and Procedures Article IV, 5.
- Students receiving Title IV Financial Aid Funds: Students who receive Title IV financial aid funds and who withdraw from ALL their classes before completion of 60% of the term, i.e., the 10th week (or its equivalent for summer terms) may be required to return all or a portion of their financial aid award. If it is determined that funds must be returned to the financial aid programs, students must make satisfactory payment arrangements within 45 days of notification or they become ineligible for further financial aid. A student receiving financial aid is required to make progress towards his or her program of study each term. To maintain eligibility for financial aid, the course completion rate is two-thirds successful completion (67%) and maintaining minimum GPA requirements. However, academic progress standards set by Financial Aid Regulations are stricter than the College’s Academic Standards and Progress Policy. Refer to:
for additional information about Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Tutoring: Is available by appointment in the College Learning Laboratory at no cost to the student. Feel free to take advantage of this service provided by the College.
Topical Outline, My Accounting Lab Assignments, and Examination Schedule:
Chapter Topic MyAccountingLab
14 The Statement of Cash Flows P14-32A + HW B + Quiz
15 Financial Statement Analysis P15-31A + HW B + Quiz
16 Introduction to Managerial Accounting P16-33A + HW B + Quiz
17 Job Order Costing P17-30A + HW B + Quiz
Examination #1: Chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17
18 Process Costing P18-33A + HW B + Quiz
19 Cost Management Systems: Activity-Based,
Just-in-Time, and Quality Management Systems P19-34A + HW B + Quiz
20 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis P20-37A + HW B + Quiz
Examination #2: Chapters 18, 19, and 20
23 Flexible Budgets and Standard Cost P23-27A + HW B + Quiz
25 Short-Term Business Decisions P25-24A + HW B +Quiz
26 Capital Investment Decisions P26-30A + HW B + Quiz
Examination #3: Chapters 23, 25, and 26
Comprehensive Final Examination
Note: The MyAccountingLab assignments are similar to, but not exactly the same, as those in the text in that the data sets differ from the text problems and from student-to-student in MyAccountingLab.
You will have a graded discussion each week with the exception of Exam weeks.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |