Course Syllabus
General Information
Instructor: Professor Kate Sanchez
Office: Bonnell Building B2-06
Office phone: (215) 751- 8387
Office hours: Tuesday 7:45-8:45 p.m.
Wednesday 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Thursday 3:45-5:45 p.m.
Please feel free to drop by during my office hours. You don’t need to set up an appointment if you come during these times. If these times don’t work for you, contact me to set up a meeting. If you cannot get to campus, we can meet online via Canvas. Just email me to propose a day and time.
Course Description: This course introduces first-year students to ideas and strategies required for college-level academic inquiry and college success, including critical thinking, communication, cultural competence, problem-solving, data interpretation, and institutional knowledge. Students develop college preparedness skills such as time management, note taking, study methods, test taking, information literacy, and an understanding of academic integrity. Students apply critical thinking and communication skills to areas such as cultural diversity, media literacy and financial literacy and gain an understanding of campus and community resources. Students create an appropriate academic plan, financial plan, and career/transfer plan in the course of the semester. Liberal Arts and Liberal Arts—Social/Behavioral Science students are required to enroll in FYE 101 within the first twelve credits.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate college preparedness in areas such as time management, note taking, study methods, test taking, wellness, information literacy, and academic integrity
- Demonstrate cultural competence in areas such as diversity, civic engagement, media literacy, and financial literacy
- Describe and/or locate institutional policies, campus resources, and student organizations
- Identify and employ strategies for effective oral and written communication
- Apply critical thinking in the areas of college preparedness, problem-solving, data interpretation, and institutional knowledge
- Develop an academic plan, a financial plan and a career/transfer plan based on the student’s individual academic and career goals
Course Text: All readings for this course can be found on Canvas.
Grades are calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible. I will record all grades in Canvas Grades throughout the semester.
Weekly Discussions (16) |
160 |
Weekly Reading Quizzes (13) |
325 |
Weekly Mindful Moment Reflections (14) |
140 |
Snapshot Presentation |
100 |
Academic Plan |
50 |
Financial Plan |
50 |
Career and Transfer Exploration Plan |
100 |
Other Assignments |
335 |
Total Points Possible |
1,260 |
Grade Scale:
90-100 |
A |
80-89 |
B |
70-79 |
C |
60-69 |
D |
0-59 |
F |
Disability and Accommodations Statement: Students who believe they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Center on Disability, room BG-39, phone number 215-751-8050, to receive an accommodation letter. After receiving a letter of accommodation, students requesting accommodations should speak to me privately to discuss their letter and specific needs as soon as possible (preferably within the first week of class).
Starfish Connect: Starfish Connect is a communication tool for students and faculty. Through Starfish, instructors can provide feedback to you about course progress. Throughout the term, you may receive progress emails regarding your academic performance. The emails are designed to be helpful and increase your success in courses. Be sure to open any emails you receive and follow the recommendations. Instructors may also recommend that you contact a specific campus resource, such as the Learning Lab or Counseling Center. If an instructor makes a referral, you may also be contacted directly by this campus service as a follow-up. To access Starfish Connect, simply log into Canvas and click on the link, Starfish Connect. You can even set up a student profile. If you need assistance with Starfish Connect, you can email questions to
Academic Integrity Policy: Violations of academic integrity may involve a variety of acts, including, but not limited to, plagiarism and cheating. Anyone who assists another person in an activity that constitutes a violation of academic integrity is also responsible and accountable for such a violation.
- Plagiarism is the act of appropriating all or part of the work of another person or persons and passing it off as one’s own. It occurs when the original ideas, language, or design elements that are not common knowledge are used without permission or proper credit. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, copying from a text without using quotation marks or other appropriate citation.
- Cheating can take many forms. It may occur as a blatant disregard for professor guidelines and rules for assignment completion, an intentional effort at deceiving the professor, or an attempt to gain an unfair advantage over classmates.
- Even one violation of academic integrity results in your automatic failure of the course. Faculty are required to report all violations to the Dean of Students. There are no exceptions. Take this policy very seriously. Ignorance and carelessness are not acceptable excuses. If you are unsure about what is or is not appropriate, please contact the instructor without delay.
Attendance Policy: You must attend the in-person classes. If you miss more than two in-person classes, you may fail the course. You are responsible for logging onto the Canvas course multiple times each week to complete your assignments. Students who log onto the course more often and engage more completely tend to learn more and complete more thoughtful work.
Withdrawal Policy:
The last date to withdraw from your courses is November 27, 2017. Though you won’t earn an F if you withdraw, before you decide to withdraw from this course or any other course, think about the following information:
- The W will be reflected on your transcript permanently.
- Ws on transcripts may have a negative impact on acceptance into select programs.
- Transfer institutions may view Ws negatively, and it may go against your application.
- Your financial aid may be impacted.
Please discuss your options with your instructor or an advisor/counselor before you decide to withdraw from a course.
Late Work Policy: All assignments are due by the date and time specified on Canvas. Late work is only accepted for one week after the due date. I will deduct 5% from your grade for each calendar day it is late.
(This is a tentative schedule. The instructor may make changes as necessary, and these changes will be communicated by email and reflected on the Canvas course page.)
Week |
Topics |
Work Due |
1 |
Navigating the System Syllabus Introductions Class Attendance Office Hours Community College Starfish Connect
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection
2 |
College Success Time Management Navigating CCP Goal Setting Taking Notes Decoding Assignments Study Tips
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Colonial Campus Treasure Hunt Time Management Assignment
3 |
College Success Grit Growth Mindset Using the Library Writing Assignments Public Speaking
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Library Assignment Growth Mindset Assignment
4 |
Communication Communicating With Your Professor Self-Advocacy Grade Disputes
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Emailing Your Professor Assign.
5 |
Persistence Overcoming Hurdles Campus Engagement Snapshot Presentation
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Things Happen Assignment |
6 |
Test Taking Group Work Snapshot Presentation Choosing a Major |
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Academic Plan Snapshot Presentation |
Wellness Sleep Career Options Meeting With a Counselor Breaking Bad Habits Guided Meditation
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Exploring Your Career (Focus 2) Scheduling Appt. With Counselor Breaking Bad Habits
8 |
Finances Paying for College Financial Plan |
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Financial Plan Mid-Semester Office Hours Check-in
9 |
Choosing the Right Classes Choosing a Major My Degree Path Preparing to Register Self-Reflection
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Choosing a Major Reflection My Degree Path Navigation
10 |
Wellness Managing Stress & Mental Health Counseling Visit Registration |
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Discussion Forum Posts Counselor Visit Reflection Register for your spring classes!
11 |
End of the Semester Obstacles Approaching Bad Grades Academic Integrity Grades & Transferring Withdrawing From a Class
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Withdrawal Options Assignment
12 |
Cultural Competency Diversity at College Code Switching
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection Discussion Forum Posts Diversity Assignment
13 |
Careers Transferring Dual Admissions Career and Transfer Exploration Plan
Reading Quiz Mindful Moment Reflection
14 |
Networking Career and Transfer Exploration Plan |
Mindful Moment Reflection Discussion Forum Posts Career & Transfer Exploration Know Your Class Schedule |
15 |
Reflection & Farewell
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |