Course Syllabus
Instructor: Kate Sanchez
Office: Bonnell Building B2-06
Office phone: (215) 751- 8387
Office hours:
Please feel free to drop by during my office hours or contact me if you need help with coursework or have a question. If these times don’t work for you, contact me to set up a meeting.
- Reading and Writing About Literature, 3rd edition by Janet E. Gardner
- The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
- When My Brother Was an Aztec by Natalie Diaz
You are also required to submit most of your work in the form of Word documents, so having Microsoft Word on your computer would be extremely helpful.
This course introduces students to the study of fiction, poetry and drama, with an emphasis on close reading and interpretation of literary structures and basic forms.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to
- Analyze literary texts in the three genres: fiction, poetry and drama.
- Use literary terminology effectively as a tool in written interpretation.
- Identify the theme of a literary work, and place that theme in a historical or cultural context.
- Produce academic writing in the discipline of literature.
You will receive one of the following grades:
A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
D: 60-69%
F: 59% and lower
(To calculate your grade at any time in the semester, divide the total points you’ve earned by the total points possible at that time in the semester.)
Assignment Points Possible
Online Discussions (18) 180
Quizzes (9) 90
Reading Literature Assignment 10
Writing Process Paragraph 30
Database Research Assignment 100
Outlines & Drafts 90
Response Essay 25
Literary Analysis Essay 100
Explication Essay 50
Compare/Contrast Essay 100
Final Exam 100
Total points possible: 875
You are responsible for logging onto the Canvas course multiple times each week to complete your assignments. The last date to withdraw from classes is _____.
Late Work:
- All assignments are due by the date and time specified on Canvas.
- Late work is only accepted for one week after the due date. I will deduct 5% from your grade for each calendar day it is late.
Classroom Environment:
- Students are responsible for their actions and are expected to maintain the highest standard of conduct at all times. Please read the Student Code of Conduct, as you will be responsible for complying with it in all your classes.
- Class discussions create an environment for individuals with different perspectives to discuss and debate ideas. This is an important part of the learning process. However, keep in mind we will be debating the merits of an idea, not the merits of the individual who expresses the idea. Sometimes the distance of online classes makes people more likely to say things they wouldn’t normally say face-to-face. I will not tolerate disrespectful or immature behavior in this regard.
Academic Honesty:
In accordance with college policy, neither plagiarism nor cheating in any form will be tolerated. In general, this means that you should do your own work and not use the words, ideas, or work of others without giving them proper credit. If you use the words and/or ideas of another person without giving them proper credit or if you cheat, I will report the incident to the college. If the college finds you responsible, you will receive a zero on the assignment. If you do so a second time, you may fail the class and be subject to disciplinary actions from the college.
Learning Lab:
If you need extra help with assignments, please plan to meet with me. However, you can seek additional tutoring at CCP’s Learning Lab. A scheduled tutoring appointment is the best way to make sure you receive personal attention. However, whenever the Learning Lab is open, you may also stop by to request a drop-in appointment. To schedule a tutoring session, visit the Learning Lab at the Main Campus or Regional Centers. The Learning Lab tutoring centers are located in B1-28 (liberal arts and English), B2-36 (math and business), and W3-26 (allied health and science) on the Main Campus. You will need your college ID.
Access to a computer, a word processing program, and the internet are required for this class. Students are responsible for checking their CCP e-mail and Canvas regularly. Not having access to these is not a valid excuse for not completing your work. If you do not have access to these at home, you can use the on-campus computer labs. The Student Academic Computer Centers for Main Campus are located in B2-33 (Bonnell) and C3-17 (Center for Business and Industry). There are also computers available in the library (Mint Building).
Statement on Disability:
Students who have special needs that require testing and/or classroom accommodations should contact the Center on Disability at 215-751-8050, or stop by Room BG-39 to make an appointment to speak with a counselor. In order to receive testing/and or classroom accommodations, students with disabilities must be registered with the Center On Disability and must provide their instructors with accommodation forms that have been prepared by the counselor in the Center.
Starfish Connect:
Starfish Connect is a communication tool for students and faculty. Through Starfish instructors can provide feedback to you about course progress. Throughout the term, you may receive progress emails regarding your academic performance. The emails are designed to be helpful and increase your success in courses. Be sure to open any emails you receive and follow the recommendations. Instructors may also recommend that you contact a specific campus resource, such as the Learning Lab or Counseling Center. If an instructor makes a referral, you may also be contacted directly by this campus service as a follow-up. Starfish also allows you to see your student support network in one place. To access Starfish Connect, simply log into Canvas and click on the link, Starfish Connect. You can even set up a student profile. If you need assistance with Starfish Connect, you can email questions to
(This is a tentative schedule. The instructor may make changes as necessary.)
Unit I: How to Read & Write About Literature |
1 |
Syllabus & Course Navigation Introductions Approaches to Reading Literature |
· Discussion board posts · Quiz · Reading Literature Through Multiple Lenses Assignment
2 |
Writing About Literature Writing Process Summarizing, Paraphrasing & Quoting |
· Discussion board posts · Quiz · Informal Outline, Rough Draft & Revised Draft of Paragraph
Unit II: Fiction |
3 |
Fiction Using Sandwiches in Writing |
· Discussion board posts · Quiz · Outline and Draft of Response Essay
4 |
Fiction MLA Documentation |
· Discussion board posts (2) · Quiz · Revised Response Essay |
5 |
Fiction |
· Discussion board posts · Fiction Literary Analysis Essay Brainstorming
6 |
Fiction |
· Discussion board posts · Quiz · Fiction Literary Analysis Essay Outline and Draft |
Fiction & Symbolism |
· Discussion board posts · Final Draft of Fiction Literary Analysis Essay |
Unit III: Poetry |
8 |
Poetry Mid-semester Reflection |
· Discussion board posts · Quiz
9 |
Poetry |
· Discussion board posts · Quiz · Explication Essay
10 |
Poetry |
· Discussion board posts · Quiz · Compare/Contrast Essay Brainstorming and Outline
11 |
Drama |
· Discussion board posts · Compare/Contrast Essay Rough Draft and Revised Draft |
Unit IV: Plays |
12 |
Drama |
· Discussion board posts · Quiz
13 |
Drama |
· Discussion board posts · Database Research Assignment
14 |
Final Exam Preparation Reflection |
· Discussion board posts
15 |
Final Exam
· Final Exam
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |