Extra Credit: Art Gallery Database
- Due Dec 14, 2017 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Dec 1, 2017 at 12am - Dec 14, 2017 at 11:59pm
This Assignment is Work 350 Points
Database Assignment: Art Gallery
The requirements for this assignment is as follows. A small database is need to track the galleries that paintings are being exhibited at and the artist that create the paintings. Here is the information that is known.
• Each Art Gallery has an Owner, phone number, location and an Admission Rate
• Each Painter has a name, contact phone number and email
• Each painting has a name, painter and a price.
• You should be able to track what gallery a painting
• You should be able to track what painter painted the painting.
• A gallery can have many paintings by the same artist.
• An artist can have many paintings in many galleries.
1. Create a requirements statement for the information presented
2. Create an ER Diagram for this scenario
3. Translate the ER Diagram into a Relational Schema
4. Create the Metadata for the Relational Schema
5. Make sure that the Schema is in First Normal Form.
6. Write the Create Table Statements for the Database
7. Write INSERT INTO Statements for each table 5 to 7 statements per table
Assignment Submission Guidelines
• Submit your Requirements statement is PDF Format
• Submit your ER Diagram and Relational Schema in PDF Format
• Submit your Metadata in PDF format
- Submit the CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO Statements