150 Attendance

Welcome to Math 150- Introductory Data Analysis.
Attendance Policy

For traditional in-person courses, you are expected to attend class every week.
For Distance Education courses, there are no in class meetings.  However, I reserve the right to arrange in person meetings if I deem necessary.
Instructure Canvas will be used as the primary communication platform and for following the timeline for assignments. All correspondence (including announcements of Conferences) will take place in the Discussions (tab on the left).  You should check Instructure Canvas at least once per week to see if I've sent any class emails or discussion posts.
Assignments are all done online in PearsonMyLab.com Links to an external site. as prescribed here in the modules and completion of these assignments will serve as the basis for your grade.  Students are expected to login into Instructure Canvas and PearsonMyLab each week. I will be checking email, discussion posts, and your PearsonMyLab HOMEWORK progress throughout the week. Almost every week there is an assignment. The only graded assignments are under "Homework" and "Quizzes & Tests" in PearsonMyLab.  Anything else you do (i.e. Study Plan, Text Exercises, Practice Quizzes, etc.) is just practice to get ready for the graded assignments and do NOT count toward your grade. The assignment(s) should ideally be started by the following Monday by 11pm.  Not starting an assignment is the same as missing a class and will be used for attendance reporting purposes. You can move ahead to the next assignment at anytime.  Also, you may reattempt any question (upto the maximum # of attempts) until the due date. Click here for more detailed directions on completing assignments in PearsonMyLab Links to an external site.We will NOT cover every section in the text. Please only read and watch videos/animations pertaining to the sections mentioned in the modules and the Syllabus.
If you do NOT log into PearsonMyLab and open "Ch1 Assignment1" by <TIME>,<DAY>, <DATE>, then your attendance will be reported to the registrar as "Never Attended" and you will be withdrawn from the course.
Furthermore, college policy states that students missing more than 2 weeks worth of semester work (1 week in Summer Session) may be withdrawn from the course.
Complete PearsonMyLab Assignments 1, 2, & 3 by <TIME>,<DAY>, <DATE>.
Complete PearsonMyLab Assignments 4, 5, 6, 7, and Final Exam by <TIME>,<DAY>, <DATE>.
Your assignment average will appear in GRADEBOOK (tab in the left margin of PearsonMyLab).
Timeliness of doing assignments (as per the modules), reading the discussion posts, and performance on the Final Exam will be taken into account, especially in borderline cases.

If you have problems with PearsonMyLab, contact their Customer Technical Support http://247pearsoned.custhelp.com/ Links to an external site. or by phone (my recommendation is to use their chat support). If you have other computer problems please contact your computer brand's Tech Support.

Helpful Resources: I have provided Class Notes and Power Point Slides for each week's session in Instructure Canvas Modules. Class Notes are meant to complement readings and contain definitions, concepts, formulas (in the format you would put them in a graphing calculator) and using technology instruction (StatCrunch and Excel). In addition, PearsonMyLab has Video instruction, Animated instruction, and worked out examples.

Instructor help will only be given on examples NOT graded exercises.

South Learning Lab Links to an external site. in B2-36 (215-751-8480) has group and private tutoring.  Also, click here for Pearson Publishing online tutoring. Links to an external site.