Alternative Database Management System (RDBMS) Solutions


Alternative Solution to Using MariaDB, MySQL, or Accessing a Compatible Database from Your Personal Computers Updated Summer 2024


Hi all, some students may experience difficulties getting a client side SQL Statement Testing Tool installed on their personal computer.  This document describes some alternative options to permit students to continue to participate in assignment activities associated with testing SQL Statements.


I added this material to the Introduction Module in Canvas and listed the document download link in the Announcements for week 1.  As a result of the importance of students having access to a database that is compatible with the Database being used in this course, I am also sending the information through this Special Directed Announcement.   This document describes alternate options for students having difficulty downloading, installing, and configuring MariaDB or MySQL on their Personal Computer Operating System (OS) Platforms




In the past, a few students have had problems downloading and installing MariaDB on their Personal Computers (PC). 

  • Some students may have this problem because they do not have administrative privileges on the computers that they are using.  


Students with MAC Devices

Typically, some students that are using Mac Computers also have difficulties downloading and installing a client-side Testing Tool such as MariaDB or MySQL. Installing and using MySQL or MariaDB on a Mac requires understanding how to work in terminal mode on a Mac.  I provided some tutorials on installing these programs on a Mac, they are in the Introduction Module in Canvas.


MariaDB and MySQL are more difficult to install and use at a command-line level in a Mac OS environment. Mac Users must be proficient at using their Macs in terminal mode. Additionally, Mac users may have different login signatures between their system login and their terminal login usernames and passwords. I cannot assist any students that have issues at this level.  This is something that must be worked out with your computer technician.  This may result in having to reinstall your Apple IOS to a fresh start.


Frontend Graphical User Interface

Both MySQL and MariaDB provide a front-end Graphical User Interface (GUI) to permit users to run and test SQL Statements through the GUI. MySQL provides a GUI Tool named Workbench.  MariaDB provides a GUI tool named Heidi. Both can mitigate the expertise level of the user interacting with the database. Both are free downloads from each of the product’s websites.


Another option for Mac Users is to download, install, and configure an additional Frontend Graphical User Interface that will more easily interact with the backend database. MySQL provides a software tool named Workbench that will accomplish this. MariaDB provides the Hiede Frontend Graphical User Interface that will more easily interact with the backend database.


Link to Download Workbench to an external site. Links to an external site.


Typically, Heidi will install by default during a normal default install of MariaDB.



Students with Android or Chrome Devices


 MariaDB or MySQL will not directly install on an Android Device or a Chromebook Device.  Below are a few alternate options for students that have these OS Platforms and are having difficulty downloading and running MariaDB on their Personal Computers (PC).


Some students have computers with Chrome Operating System (OS).  Additionally, MariaDB and MySQL will not install on an Android OS Device or a Chrome OS Device. 


  • There is an option to use the Lab Stats service provided by CCP to connect to a computer in a classroom using an Android OS Device or a Chrome OS Device.


  • Students with Android or Chrome Devices may also want to consider using one of the Online Server Sided Services through a Web Browser on their device.



 The Online Server Sided Option 


Another option is to use a couple of online MySQL and MariaDB compilers or interpreters. One of the options that I listed in the course syllabus was the option of the Internet Web Service named One Compiler.  Students can access One Complier at the Universal Resource Locator (URL) Links to an external site.  is a fully functional online MySQL/MariaDB Database Simulator.


Any script that can run on MariaDB or MySQL can run on One Compiler.  One Compiler cannot be used in a production environment.  However, it will permit students to run the provided sample database script and test their queries.   It is not one of my most recommended options.  However, it can be used to run and verify the correctness of SQL Script. I provided a Guided Video Tutorial describing and illustrating the use of Links to an external site.





Guided Video for using One Compiler


The Online Server Sided Option 

Another online tool that students have used is the online IDE and compiler/interpreter named  One Compiler and are like each other.  There are some advantages and disadvantages in both to testing your SQL script.  However, both are sufficient in their capabilities to test most of your SQL scripts for this course successfully. Links to an external site.


Students that have Macs that are having difficulty installing and using MariaDB on their Personal Mac computers can use One Compiler or as an option to run and verify the correctness of the SQL script that they are creating for Practice and Homework Assignments. One Compiler and are not my first recommended alternatives.  However, it is an effective testing tool for SQL Script.  I provided a brief guided video tutorial on their use in the Introduction Module of the course in Canvas. See the link above or in the Course Instruction Module in Canvas



 There is a slight difference in the sequence of copying and running the SQL script in the and One Compiler online service compared to how it is illustrated in videos using MariaDB on a client Windows system that has it corrected installed and configured. Refer to the Gided Video Tutorial


When using One Compiler or, first, all you need to do is copy the text from the text editor file that contains the script to create the database into the editor/text area. You will then have to create a new file in Visual Studio Code that will hold the SQL script for the assignment. This is where you either create the code or copy and paste the code from the designated areas designated in the video if you are working on a practice assignment. 



 After finishing typing or copying the SQL code for the assignment, you should then copy and paste this code at the end of the SQL script code that you previously copied into the editor/text area.  I provided a Guided Video Tutorial in the introduction module in Canvas describing and illustrating this process.



One of the drawbacks of is that the database interpreter is SQL case sensitive. The International Standard for SQL is that it is not case-sensitive.  This small possible problem can be overcome by carefully following coding standards when writing SQL scripts to run in   

 I provided a guided video on running SQL scripts for students that are interested in exploring the One Compiler online service.


All you will have to do is copy and paste the SQL script from your text editor into the editing area. Once this is done, you click the button on the interface to run the script in its editor/text area.  If there are syntax errors in the SQL script, One Complier will provide you with some constructive feedback on the location of the error and the type of error.  If there are no syntax errors One Compiler will display the correct result set.


 Another main difference and difficulty with using the One Compiler or service is that the Database will not be persistent. This means that you will need to include the SQL script to create the database and load the sample data for each of all the queries that you are testing each time you click the command button to run the script.  When using the practice database, this means, you must always have the SQL script to create the practice database either in the editor/text area or in the Visual Studio Editor ready for use.  Use service works.  However, it requires slightly more effort and patience to use.

 Student Academic Computing Center (SACC)

SACC is now open to the students on the Main Campus.  The SACC Open Lab that is available is C3-17 in the CBI building on the Main Campus and in the Learning Commons in the Library in the Bonnel Building. All the required software for the course is installed on the computers in C3-17 and in the Learning Commons. 



Link into a CCP Classroom Computer using Virtualization.

This is my favorite option out of all the alternative solutions.  Students can also use the Internet on their computers to link to a classroom computer at the college.  This is called virtualization. Virtualization permits a user to connect and use a preinstalled operating system and the software installed on it through an Internet connection.  Once connected to the computer with the specific OS, the user can run any software on that computer through the virtualization connection.  Students will be able to connect to specific computer workstations in a variety of classrooms.  Using a link that I am providing in this message.  All available computers in Room C3-20 and C3-18 have the necessary software installed for this course.



 Below is the link to connect to computers in a classroom.  I also provided a link to the Virtualization Link in the Introduction Module in Canvas.  Students can connect to a Desktop Computer on the Main Campus that has the software for the course.  Rooms C3-20, C-18, and C3-12 contain the necessary software for the course, I recommend using C3-20. Students needing additional support for this process should contact me by email.  I will forward your contact information to the correct network engineer at the college to support you.


 Link to Lab Stats Remote Access Links to an external site.


The link above will take you to a website containing a list of classrooms that contain computers that you can connect to.  Each classroom contains a list of available computers that you can connect to.  Once you select an available computer, a dialogue window will appear prompting you to download a file.  The file name will contain the classroom number and PC number that you are attempting to connect to.  The file name will also have an RDP extension, for example - C320PC22.rdp



 Once you download the file into a folder on your computer, double-click the filename to connect to the computer.  Once you are connected to the computer you will be prompted to log in to the computer.  You will use the name username and password that you use to log in to MyCCP.  Once your username and password are authenticated, you will be at the desktop of the PC that you are using over the internet. 


Logging Into MariaDB at CCP

Once connected to a computer in the chosen classroom, use the Start Menu to find the MariaDB folder in the list of programs in the Start menu.  The Start Menu will list the names of the programs installed in alphabetical order.  Click on the MariaDB folder to open the list of options in the folder. At the bottom of the list is the option to open and run MySQL MariaDB in client mode.  Select the MySQL MariaDB Client option.  MariaDB will ask you for a password to log in.  The password to login into MariaDB at the college is maria.




Saving Your Work When in Virtualization Mode

 The only limitation to accessing a Windows Computer in a classroom though Lab Stat at the college in this manner is that you will not be able to save your work to a USB drive directly while connected this way.  When saving or backing up information while connected to a college computer over the internet, you must save or backup the file or files to a cloud storage area such as Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive.  After logging out of the connection to the college computer in a classroom, you will be able to login into the cloud storage service and download the file or files to your host PC as an additional backup or storage location for your work.  You can also log into MyCCP and email the file to yourself while in the virtual connection.


Additional Support Using Lab Stat

 I will provide additional information for additional IT Support for students having problems using the Virtualization Service.  I will provide additional contact information to specific IT Staff that can assist students in connecting to the Virtualization Service upon request.





Low-Cost Windows Computer Purchases

Finally, there are a couple of options where students can purchase a computer at a discount. 


PCs For People - Low-Cost Computers for CCP Students Links to an external site.


Possible Free Laptops for Students in Specific Programs

Students majoring in the following programs may be able to get a free Windows Laptop (CIS-IT, Networking, Cybersecurity, Comp Sci, Web, and App) may get a free laptop from PCs for People.


Contact PCs for People for more updated information. Students can contact PCs for People at their website: Links to an external site.