Homework Assignment - Multiple Table Query : Student Course Registration
- Due Jun 9, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Jun 3, 2024 at 12am - Jun 10, 2024 at 11:59pm
Submit an SQL Text File for the SQL portion of this assignment. An SQL Text File is a text file with a ".SQL" extension on the file name.
- The script should be well documented with comments
- Comments should contain Your Name, Name of Project, Date Created, Semester Created
- Comments should describe the different Sections of the Script
- All the script should be placed in one file
- The script should run continuously without errors
Use the SQL Script in the link to create a Sample Sandbox Database. There are three tables in this database. There is a student tables containing a list of students. There is a course table containing a list of course offerings. There is a registration table containing a list of student ids and course ids representing the courses that students have registered for. The Database will permit you to interactively play around with queries that will respond to the following information request.
Use the SQL SHOW Statement to obtain the and list Table names of the database from the DBMS
Use the SQL DESCRIBE Statement to obtain and list the Metadata for the database from the DBMS
- List the full names of the students who have taken a CIS course or a History course
- List the full names and GPA of the students who have taken a course
- List the full names and GPA of the students who have taken a course a 3 credit course
Extra Credit - 50 Points
- List the full names and GPA of the students who have not taken a course
ER Diagram for the Sample Database
ERD - School Course Database.pdf Download ERD - School Course Database.pdf
SQL Code to Create Sample Database
Course_Registration Database.sql Download Course_Registration Database.sql
Submit an SQL Text File for the SQL portion of this assignment. An SQL Text File is a text file with a ".SQL" extension on the file name.
- The script should be well documented with comments
- Comments should contain Your Name, Name of Project, Date Created, Semester Created
- Comments should describe the different Sections of the Script
- All the script should be placed in one file
- The script should run continuously without errors