Extra Credit Programming Assignment Guidelines

Once I grade an assignment and provide feedback to students on that assignment, I no longer accept that assignment.  This is a tool or practice that I use to maintain the integrity of the courses that I teach.  I do, however, provide many Extra Credit Assignments that parallel the concepts and expected skill sets in earlier assignments.  Several Extra Credit Assignments that I published to the class are alternate assignments covering topics that the class studied and skills that the students have been previously graded on. A combination of participating in these Extra Credit Assignments and s doing the regular assignments can benefit students that missed earlier programming Assignments.
Additionally, I published the Comprehensive Extra Credit Assignments.  The set of Comprehensive Extra Credit Assignments is listed in the Extra Credit Assignment Module in Canvas. The current name of a Comprehensive Extra Credit Assignment is " Extra Credit Comprehensive Project: Enhanced Adventure Game Copy:" You can review the assignment link in Canvas for more details on the requirements for this assignment. This is a 200 point Extra Credit Assignment.  Overall, in the Category of Extra Credit Assignments that revisit concepts, skills, and topics, that the class studied this semester total of 700 additional Extra Credit Points that a student can earn.  Below is the list of the Extra Credit Assignment Titles and their associated points
  1. Extra Credit Assignment Functions - Feet to Inches Conversion:            
                                                                                                                       100 Points 
  2. Extra Credit Assignment Selection Sequences: Hot Dog or Roulette Program:
                                                                                                                        100 Points 
  3. Extra Credit Assignment - Modular Development F to C and C to F
                                                                                                                        100 points 
  4. Extra Credit Assignment:  Modular Version of Adventure Game
                                                                                                                         100 Points 
  5. Extra Credit Assignment: Gravity and an Objects Falling Time
                                                                                                                         100 Points 
  6. Extra Credit Comprehensive Project: Enhanced Adventure Game Copy:
                                                                                                                         200 Points 

There is also a Special Independent Research Programming Assignment on Python Database Programming.  There is a collection of Extra Credit Assignments associated with this Independent Research Programming Assignment.  These assignments are separated into two categories, Extra Credit SELECT Query Practice Assignments, and Extra Credit Python Database Programming Assignments. There are 250 possible Extra Credit Assignments points in the "Extra Credit Python Database Programming Assignments" category of Extra Credit Assignments.  There 80 Extra Credit points in the "Extra Credit SELECT Query Practice Assignments" category of Extra Credit Assignments.  

Extra Credit SELECT Query Practice Assignments 

  • Extra Credit SQL SELECT Statements Practice Assignments 
  • Extra Credit Practice Assignment - Sample Database Tutorial Basic SELECT Statement with AND Operator 
  • Extra Credit Practice Assignment - Sample Database Tutorial Basic SELECT Statement with OR Operator 
  • Extra Credit Practice Assignment - Single Table Query - Student 


Extra Credit Python Database Programming Assignments 

  • Extra Credit Python Database Assignment - Practice Assignment Connect and SELECT Query 
  • Extra Credit Python Database Assignment - Practice Assignment UPDATE and DELETE Rows 
  • Extra Credit Python Database Assignment - Practice Assignment INSERT ROW and Invoke Procedure 
  • Extra Credit Python Database Assignment