Design Assignment - Create a Pseudo Code Document for a Sequential Sequence of Tasks and Processes
- Due Jul 11, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 50
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types pdf, doc, docx, and py
- Available Jul 9, 2024 at 12am - Jul 12, 2024 at 11:59pm
Earlier in the week, students were required to participate in a Discussion Assignment on Documentation First Programming. In that assignment, students were given an excerpt from an introduction to a programming textbook on Documentation First Programming. In that excerpt, the concept of pseudocode was introduced, described, and illustrated. Using what you learned from studying the excerpt, create a pseudocode document of your choice. It is recommended to attempt to create a design idea that you may about a video game that you are thinking about. If you do not have an idea at this time, you can copy the design idea illustrated in the excerpt that you read to demonstrate that you understand how to write a pseudocode document and submit it.
I provided a video for students to review using a Word Processor to create and save a Pseudo Code Document for a Sequential Sequence of processes and Tasks. Follow the guided Video that I provided to duplicate the process in the video to create your own Pseudo Code Document for a Sequential Sequence.
If you do not have access to a word processor, the CCP provides free access to Microsoft 356 to all registered students. Students can access the Word Processor App through the CCP email link in MyCCP. Students can also access the Office 365 Service using the Office 365 link in Canvas. Finally, students have the privilege of downloading Office 365 to their Personal Computer (PC) Free of Charge
This is a good opportunity to create the Pseudocode Design Documentation and plan for the Madlib Programming Assignment!!!!
Link to Download Instructions for Downloading Office 365
Instructions for Office download.pdf Download Instructions for Office download.pdf
Link to Download Pseudocode Examples Documentation
Pseudocode Examples.pdf Download Pseudocode Examples.pdf
Upload the Final Version of your Pseudocode document to this Submission Link.
The Pseudo Code Document must have your name embedded in the document
You can save the document in a Word Processor Format or as a PDF.