Extra Credit Assignment: Normalization of the Art Exhibition Tour Database
- Due Nov 24, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Oct 21, 2024 at 12am - Nov 25, 2024 at 11:59pm
Extra Credit Normalization Exercise
This is a 100 Point Extra Credit Assignment
In this assignment, students must place the Homework Database, and the Art Exhibition Tour Database into a Normalized Relational Schema, which is both first and second normal form.
Place the Relational Schema for the - Art Exhibition Tour Database in the first normal form and second normal form. Consider that there can be multiple instances of emails, phone numbers, and addresses. These categories of attributes should be considered and created as multivalued attributes in the normalization process.
In the practice assignments for normalization, students were presented with a before and after scenario, I expect and require the same scenario and courtesy in the Extra Credit Assignment to Normalize the Homework Database.
What this means is the following: The submission should list the Relational Schema Prior to the Relational Schema being Normalized. This Relational Schema should be titled to identify it as your unnormalized version of the Relational Schema.
This should be followed by the Normalized Version of the Relational Schema. The Normalized Relational Schema should also be titled to identify it as the Normalized Relational Schema. If there are multiple levels of normalization such as a First Normal Form Version and a Second Normal Form Version, each of the versions should be titled to identify them separately.
Students should emphasize a level of courtesy and professionalism that should be maintained when providing design documents that other people are involved in the design and must interpret.
Submit a PDF Document Containing your Normalized Relational Schema for the - Art Exhibition Tour Database.