Requesting Office Hours Visits

Requesting Office Hours Visits


A request for a scheduled office hours visit is confirmed with an email reply from me.  If you did not receive an email reply from me confirming the office hours visit, the scheduled office hours visit does not exist.


In Person Office Meetings


  • It is recommended that students wanting an In Person Office Hours visit schedule the appointment and have the appointment confirmed. In the event of a conflict between a scheduled office hours visit, and walk-in office hours visit, the scheduled office hours visit will take priority over the walk-in visit. 


  • The Scheduled Office Hours visit will be confirmed by an email verifying the date and time of the scheduled visit.



Zoom Office Meetings


If a student is requesting a Zoom Meeting for an Office Hours Visit by email, I will send a reply to the email containing information to participate in the scheduled Zoom Office Meeting Visit. The reply will contain a link to join the Zoom Office visit, the time and date of the confirmed Zoom Office Meeting, and any additional information to join the scheduled Zoom Office Meeting visit.


Please indicate several specific days and time slots that you are requesting.  Listing several days and times will increase the probability that an overlapping time in my schedule and your schedule can be found. 


Typically, I schedule 30 minutes for a normal office visit meeting with a student.  It is best to request more than one time slot in the event your preferred time slot is taken.