Assignment: SQL Transaction using the Homework Database: for the Little League Baseball Team Database
- Due Apr 21, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- File Types sql
- Available Apr 12, 2024 at 12am - Apr 22, 2024 at 11:59pm
This is not a Required Assignment
This is an Optional 100 Point Extra Credit Assignment
For this assignment, students will write the SQL script to invoke SQL Transaction Framework for the Homework Database, the Little League Baseball Team Database, . You should use the link to the SQL Transactions Tutorial as a guide to creating the SQL script for this assignment
The sequence of the statements in the script should follow the same framework as the script in the Tutorial. They should follow this order
Create the homework database
use the homework database
Insert Sample data into the tables
create a sample script to implement an SQL Transaction.
use tables and data in from the Homework Database
To better illustrate occurrences in this assignment, it is best to create two separate login accounts using DCL Statements and privileges
- Create the homework database
- use the homework database
- Insert Sample data into the tables
- create two new fictitious user accounts
- assign appropriate privileges to the users for the assignment
- log in to one of the new accounts
- Activate transaction mode in the session
- The script will illustrate listing the state of the information prior to the transaction
- The script will perform the DML operation of the transaction. This can be the insertion, deletion, or modification of data in the homework database
- Log in to the second user account
- Run the script that will perform a rollback of the transaction
- The script will commit the transaction
Submit an SQL Text File for the SQL portion of this assignment. An SQL Text File is a text file with a "SQL" extension on the file name.
- The script should be well documented with comments
- All the scripts should be placed in one file
- The script should run continuously without errors