Homework Assignment: Create Tables for Homework Assignment: Write Create Table Statements for the Little League Baseball Team Database
- Due Mar 25, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 150
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Mar 18, 2024 at 12am - Apr 15, 2024 at 11:59pm
Using the ER Diagram, Relational Schema, and Metadata documents from your previous homework Database assignments from the Homework Assignment Topic: - Little League Baseball Team Database . as a guide. Write the CREATE DATABASE, USE, CREATE TABLE, and DROP DATABASE Statements from its conceptual design. You should have a DROP DATABASE Statement at the end of the SQL Script.
For Students who did not receive 100 Percent on the assignment or who have not modified their ER Diagram based on the feedback that was provided for the assignment, the assertion is that students should use the models that they created for ER Diagramming Assignment, and the Relational Schema and Metadata Assignment to write the CREATE Table Statements for the Homework Database.
I am not providing metadata for the documents in the links. Students can adapt/modify their existing metadata documents to meet the design specification in the provided documents if they choose. This is highly recommended for students that did not receive a 100 percent grade on their Homework ER Diagramming Assignment
File to Upload to possibly get full credit for this assignment
Upload copies of the ER Diagram, Relational Schema, and Metadata documents that you used to write the CREATE Table Statements.
The Script that you upload must be able to execute in a continuous sequence. Any script not executing in a continuous sequence will be assessed as being incorrect. There is no partial credit for creating table statements that do not execute due to errors in creating tables that it references. If the script does not execute continuously from top to button, it does not count towards your accumulated points for the assignment. It is your responsibility to ensure that you test your script thoroughly before submitting it for assessment.
Submit the Following
- ER Diagram used for assignment
- Relational Schema Document Used for the Assignment
- Metadata Document used for the assignment
- Text File containing SQL Script used to Create Database and Tables for League Baseball Team Database
In the event that you have a schema that you did not modify after receiving constructive feedback, you can use the following schema to write and test your statements to create the database and tables for the Little League Baseball Team Database
Submit an SQL Text File for the SQL portion of this assignment. An SQL Text File is a text file with a "SQL" extension on the file name.
- The script should be well documented with comments
- All the SQL script should be placed in one file
- The SQL script should run continuously without errors
- SQL Script should follow the guidelines listed in the Coding Standards
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
ER Diagram Included
Relational Schema Document Included
Metadata Document Included
Text File containing SQL Script to Create Database and Tables
Total Points:
out of 150