Assignment: Extended ER Diagram
- Due Feb 26, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Feb 19, 2024 at 12am - Mar 2, 2024 at 11:59pm
Create an Enhance ER Diagram (EERD) for the following diagram. You are using and illustrating Generalization and or Specialization in this exercise.
Create a Super Entity named Employee. The class has these attributes.
It has the following attributes
Employee number
First name
Last name
The employee number, first name, and last name attributes are text data types
There are two sub entities that inherit from the super entity Employee.
- hourlyEmployee entity
- salariedEmployee entity
The hourlyEmployee entity has two attributes
- pay rate
- hours worked
The salariedEmployee entity has three attributes
- annual salary
- pay frequency
- salary
construct a design that will make it possible to keep track of the the following
salary history of an employee
address history of an employee
collection of email addresses for an employee
Show both a Disjointed Model and an Overlapping Model
What You Need To Submit for this assignment
This project may be completed in Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Word, or another modeling software application. However, the final file submitted must be in a Portable Document Format (PDF)
Submit a PDF file containing the ER Diagram