Homework Assignment: Insert Data Into for the Homework Assignment: Publisher -Author - Books - Marketing: Database
- Due Aug 14, 2023 by 11:59pm
- Points 200
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Aug 7, 2023 at 12am - Aug 24, 2023 at 11:59pm
The SQL Text File that you upload should contain the INSERT INTO Statements for the Tables of the Publisher -Author - Books - Marketing: Database.
Just Create 3 to 5 instances for each table to write the INSERT INTO STATEMENT for Homework Publisher -Author - Books - Marketing: Database.
Students should attempt to use the CREATE TABLE Statements from the earlier CREATE TABLE Assignment for the Enterprise Contracting Company Database. Students that did not get perfect scores on the CREATE TABLE Assignment for the Publisher -Author - Books - Marketing: Database should use the feedback that I provided to make corrections to the SQL Script for the CREATE TABLE Assignment for the Publisher -Author - Books - Marketing: Database.
You should combine the SQL Script for the CREATE DATABASE and TABLE Statements into a single SQL script file that runs continuously.
Files to Upload
SQL File containing your INSERT INTO Statements. The file must contain the following
- SQL Statements to Create the Database and Tables in the Database
- SQL Statements to INSERT the sample data into the tables of the database
Submit an SQL Text File for the SQL portion of this assignment. An SQL Text File is a text file with a ".SQL" extension on the file name.
- The script should be well documented with comments
- All the script should be placed in one file
- The script should run continuously without errors
Submit the following file artifacts
- CREATE TABLE Statements that Work
- ER Diagram that matches the script
- Relational Schema to Match the ER Diagram and Script
******* Submit all SQL Script in a Single SQL Text File with an SQL Extension **********