Homework Assignment: Translation to Relational Schema and Creating Metadata for the Homework Assignment: Translate the ER Diagram for the Small Commuter Airline Reservation Database
- Due Feb 20, 2023 by 11:59pm
- Points 200
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- File Types pdf, doc, docx, xls, and xlsx
- Available Feb 13, 2023 at 12am - Mar 4, 2023 at 11:59pm
Zipped Files are not acceptable for this project
This week's assignment continues the practice of creating Database Models
Use the ER Diagram that you created in your Homework Assignment: ER Diagram for the Small Commuter Airline Reservation Database to Create the Relational Schema and Metadata from the ER diagram.
Students should first complete the ER Diagramming Assignment for the Small Commuter Airline Reservation Database and Participate in the Practice Assignment to Translate the Pizza Delivery ER Diagram into a Relational Schema and Metadata before attempting this assignment.
I will provide feedback and grades for the ER Diagram Assignment for the Small Commuter Airline Reservation Database prior to the Due Date of this assignment
Upload the required documents
- Upload the ER Diagram as a PDF Document - ER Diagram must include your name in it inside of a textbox. If you missed the ER Diagramming Assignment, I will provide a PDF version after the ER Diagram Assignment is graded and feedback is given. However, it will be your responsibility to recreate it and place your own name in the diagram as a textbox.
- Upload the Relational Schema for the Small Commuter Airline Reservation Database. in a Word Processing or PDF Format
- Upload the Metadata/ Data Dictionary File for the Small Commuter Airline Reservation Database. in either Spreadsheet, Word, Processing, or PDF format
The submission should contain three unzipped documents that are attached and uploaded separately to the submission portal.
Do not Zip these files. Upload all three in a single submission
- Zipped Files are not acceptable for this project.