CIS 205 Final Exam for Summer 7N 2022
- Due Aug 24, 2022 at 11:59pm
- Points 1,985
- Questions 79
- Available Aug 24, 2022 at 12am - Aug 25, 2022 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit 120 Minutes
Click Take The Exam below. Once the exam is started you will have 2 hours to complete it. I strongly recommend not to start the Final Exam if you have not allocated two hours of consecutive time to participate in the Final Exam. Students will not be permitted to stop and restart the Final Exam once it has started.
This is a comprehensive Final Exam Assigned. The Final Exam has a Due Date of Wednesday, August 24, 2022, and an Until Date of Thursday, August 25, 2022. Final Exam submissions will not be accepted or be available after the Until Date of the assignment. The Until Date is the final day for Final Exams at CCP.
The Final Exam will have a two hours time limit once it is started. Students must allocate up to 2 consecutive hours before starting the Final Exam. Students will be able to choose that time slot within the 48 hours that the Final Exam will be available. I strongly recommend not to start the Final Exam if you have not allocated two hours of consecutive time to participate in the Final Exam.
The Final Exam is a Comprehensive Exam. Questions in the exam will span across most of the topics and concepts that were covered this semester. Before starting the exam, students should study and be prepared for the following categories of concepts, skills, and topics:
Students should be prepared for basic concepts and topics in Database Technology that were covered during the semester.
Here are some specific concepts, skills, and topics to focus on.
- In particular, students should study the guidelines that were discussed and illustrated, and lectured on in professional practices used in creating ER Diagrams. These practices are illustrated and described in the course's textbook and in the Guided Video Tutorials and Assignments on ER Diagramming published during the semester. This includes illustrating cardinality based on business rules.
- In particular, students should study the guidelines that were discussed and illustrated, and be lectured on in practice in Translating ER Diagrams into Relational Schemas. These practices are illustrated and described in the course's textbook and in the Guided Video Tutorials and Assignments on Translating ER Diagrams to Relational Schemas during the semester. This includes understanding identifying Primary Keys, identifying Foreign Keys, and illustrating and translating cardinality in ER Diagrams.
- In particular, students should study the guidelines that were discussed and illustrated and lectured on in practices in creating Metadata Documentation. These practices are illustrated and described in the Guided Video Tutorials and Assignments on Translating ER Diagrams to Relational Schemas during the semester. This includes understanding identifying Primary Keys, identifying Foreign Keys, and identifying attributes that must contain information.
- For the Final Exam, students should study Applied skills by creating databases and tables in databases from design documentation. This includes writing CREATE DATABASE Statements, USE Database Statements, Drop Database Statements, CREATE TABLE Statements, DROP TABLE Statements, DESCRIBE Table Statement, and SHOW TABLES Statement.
- For the Final Exam, students should be able to demonstrate applied skills in creating and inserting sample data into database tables. This includes being able to identify referential integrity issues based on the primary key and foreign key values not matching.
- For the Final Exam, students should be able to demonstrate applied skills in extracting information from a database using SELECT Queries. This includes being able to implement information request solutions that must incorporate JOIN Operation, INNER JOIN Operations, OUTER JOIN Operations, INTERSECT Operations, DIFFERENCE Operations, and UNION Operations.
- For the Final Exam, students should be able to demonstrate applied skills in maintaining structured information in database tables using SQL DELETE and UPDATE Statements. This includes how referential integrity constraints can inhibit these activities.
- For the Final Exam, students should be able to demonstrate applied skills and concepts in managing database users. This included creating users, deleting users, granting user privileges, and revoking user privileges
Types of Components and Questions included in the Final Exam
- Questions that will require Writing Applied SQL Statements
There will be a few applied question problems in the Final Exam requiring that students write SQL Statements to reply with a solution to information requests.
- Multiple Choice Questions.
There will be a collection of Multiple Choice Questions.
- Fill in the Blank Questions.
There will be a few Fill in Blank Questions in the Final Exam.
- TRUE and FALSE Questions
There will be a few TRUE and FALSE Questions in the Final Exam.
The True and False Questions, Fill In The Blank Questions, and the Multiple Choice questions will be similar to the questions encountered in the collection of quiz questions encountered during the semester in the series of quizzes published during the first half of the semester. These categories of questions will focus on skills and concepts covered in the course textbook and Video Tutorial Lectures assigned during the semester.
If a student has technical issues accessing the Final Exam, they should report it immediately. The Canvas systems record all activity in quizzes and exams. A student experiencing technical issues in the exam must report it immediately and exit the quiz. A student who has spent significant time on the Final Exam and who starts to experience technical issues may have a significant delay in being granted an opportunity to retake the exam while the legitimacy of the claim is investigated. If there is a technical issue, most technical problems will occur at the beginning or early in the exam. Late issues may be considered suspicious and require a longer review process.
Students having questions concerning the Final Exam for the course should contact me by email or schedule a Zoom Meeting for clarification on any ambiguity regarding the Final Exam. If there is any confusion, I recommend doing this as early as possible before the Final Exam is published on Wednesday 8-24-2022.
Students having any concerns or questions about the Final Exam should contact me for clarification.