Homework Assignment: Installation of Office 365 on Personal Computer
- Due Dec 23, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 25
- Submitting a text entry box
- Available Dec 20, 2021 at 12am - Dec 24, 2021 at 11:59pm
Homework Assignment: Installation of Office 365 on Personal Computer
During the semester it will be a requirement to have access to Word Processing Capabilities. The name brand of the Word Processor is not important. Students can use Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or Open Office. This assignment is in place to acknowledge that you have access to some type of Word Processor. There are a group of assignments that require the use of a Word Processor.
There are Lab Reports that students must complete for certain programming Assignment
CCP offers all students free access to download and install Office 365 on multiple home Personal Computers (PC)'s. The link below downloads a document containing instructions and illustrations for downloading and installing Office 365 on a home PC.
Link to Download Document
Instructions for Office download.pdf Download Instructions for Office download.pdf
To receive points for this assignment, you need to acknowledge in the assignment text area that you have access to a Word Processor. You will only need to know basic formatting skills such as boldfacing, underlining, font sizing, and line spacing.