Assignment: Single Table Query Assignment - Agent
- Due Sep 27, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Sep 20, 2021 at 12am - Sep 28, 2021 at 11:59pm
Examine the Metadata/Data Dictionary in the attached PDF file. Review the class practice assignment videos and textbook to understand what the term metadata means. If you want to get ahead, you can also read the documents named “Using Database Management Systems” in the Introduction Module. Write SELECT queries to respond to the five information requests in the attached PDF file. Review and participate in the practice assignments, they illustrate how to write and test single table queries in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).
Use the metadata in the file to assist you in understanding the defined structure of the single table. Use the metadata to correctly write the queries for the 5 requests for information in the attached PDF document. Write your queries in a TEXT EDITOR document and upload the completed document into the drop box in this assignment link. Your answers MUST be submitted as Text File WITH AN SQL EXTENSION
Remember that the Single Table Query Assignment is a written assignment. You are not required to actually execute the queries on an actual Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). However, an RDBMS will be provided. For this assignment you should participate in the practice assignment activities to get a framework for writing and testing these types of single table queries. . You will have the opportunity to actually run and test the queries that you write in a relational database management system.
I will provide instructions that review how to start the MariaDB database, a relational database management system (RDBMS). Additionally, I will review how to set up a test environment in MariaDB that you can attempt to run your single table queries. With the test environment setup, MariaDB will provide a result set if the query worked or feedback notifying you that there is a problem with the syntax of your query.
The context of the assignment is for you to write in a text editor what you think the correct syntax is for SELECT queries to perform the specified information request. To assist you in writing the queries, I have provided supplement documents and a collection of guided tutorial videos. One of the documents is named “Using Database Management Systems”. It is a PDF file located in the Database Module in Canvas. It provides an overview of database management systems.
Additionally, if this is a face to face section, I will review this material in class. The combination of these references should provide enough information on writing single table queries. I am also providing real-time relational databases and tables with data to run and test your queries. Finally, I added links to a Website that provides an excellent tutorial on writing single table queries. The Website is named W3School. The Website also has interactive practice for you to actually write queries in a simulated database environment.
METADATA and Query Questions for Agent Table
Agent Query Assignment Revised 5-17-2017-2.pdf Download Agent Query Assignment Revised 5-17-2017-2.pdf
Script to Build Test Environment for Agent Table
AgentTable-2.sql Download AgentTable-2.sql
Submit an SQL Text File for this assignment. An SQL Text File is a text file with a ".SQL" extension on the file name.
- The script should be well documented with comments
- All the script should be placed in one file
- The script should run continuously without errors
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
Query 1
Query 2
Query 3
Query 4
Query 5
Total Points:
out of 100