Extra Credit Assignment: Multiple Table Query Patient Medicine Database
- Due Nov 29, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types sql
- Available Nov 1, 2021 at 12am - Nov 30, 2021 at 11:59pm
This is a 100 Point Extra Credit Assignment
SQL SELECT Queries for each of the information requests
- List the Patients_Full_name, PatientsID, Patients_State, and Patients_Zipcode who has an Orders_No
- List the Patients_Full_Name, Patients_ID, Patientsstate who has the medicine price greater than 35.79
- List the PatientsID, Patients_Street, Patient first name, and Patients last name for the patients whose first name starts with M and patients_zipcode is '19115'
- List the patients, Patients Fullname, PatientsAddress, Patients state, and Patients_Zipcode that live in NY or PA
- List the Patients_FName, Patients_LName, Patients_Address, Patients_City, Patients_Address that are in PA
Link to the Information Requests in PDF Format
Link to the Metadata Document for the Database
MetaDATA_MultiTablquery_Extra_Credit.pdf Download MetaDATA_MultiTablquery_Extra_Credit.pdf
Link to the ER Diagram for the Database
ER_MultiqueryTable_Extra_crdt.pdf Download ER_MultiqueryTable_Extra_crdt.pdf
Link to the SQL Script to Create the Sample Database
Extra_Credit_Multiple_Table_Query.sql Download Extra_Credit_Multiple_Table_Query.sql