CIS 205 901 ONL 7N SU20 - Database Management Systems

Database Management Welcome Page

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This page contains the syllabus for Computer Information Systems 205 – Database Management Systems, as offered in the Summer 2020 Semester at Community College of Philadelphia.


It is published by the instructor as a communication and contract with students. For official College information, including course listings, schedules, etc., contact Links to an external site..


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Computer Information Systems 205 - Database Management Systems
4 credits (8 hours lecture, 2 hours lab per week)

This course introduces the design and implementation of relational data base management systems using Structured Query Language (SQL). The course covers fundamental data base design and implementation techniques and provides hands-on exercises for applying the techniques to real-world problems using database management software such as Oracle, Maria DB, or MySQL.

Prerequisites: CIS 103.



Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Database Management - Use a modern database management program such as Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL to perform such tasks as writing operational and correct SQL (DDL, DML and DCL) statements.
  2. Database Fundamentals - Write SQL statements that perform fundamental database concepts, including Relational Algebra, and successfully use a Relational Database System.
  3. ER Diagrams - Create and translate Entity Relationship (ER) Diagrams using a software diagramming tool.
  4. Ethics - Explain common ethical issues related to the use of information technology systems and the handling of data, including privacy and security issues.
  5. Structured Query Language - Write operational and correct SQL (DDL, DML and DCL) statements.
  6. Data Mining and Big Data - Describe new concepts and terminology in DBMS such as Data Warehousing, Data Mining, NoSQL, and Big Data.
  7. Database Design - Implement a relational database from initial requirements and conceptual design (ER Diagram) to the physical database in a modern enterprise relational database management system

Upon completion of this course students will be also be able to:

  1. Design and Create Conceptual Relational Database Using a professional modeling application
  2. Implement Physical Database from a Conceptual Design
  3. Work as part of a professional team to design, code, test and debug normalized databases
  4. Correctly use the elements of Relational Algebra retrieving result sets from relational databases
  5. Create source code and execute SQL statements that are syntactically correct
  6. Demonstrate a knowledge of input and output routines, data types, and data operations
  7. Demonstrate a knowledge of key concepts in Database Theory




Who Should Take Course and Why

This course is structured for student wanting advance training in designing, implementing and interacting with relational databases using professional Relational Database Management Systems RDMS.   Additionally, students wanting to survey advanced concepts in the Database Theory, Database Programming, and Database Implementation should take this course. 



Craig Nelson

Office:        Room C3 – 1F

                    CBI Building

Phone:      (215) – 496-6134


Website: Links to an external site.


Office Hours:   By Zoom Appointment only during Summer Sessions





If you have any questions concerning the course, contact me anytime via e-mail.  Most questions about course work can be answered best via e-mail, which allows me to send you a written response with examples or references.