Practice Assignment: Extended ER Diagram Example
- Due Oct 18, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 50
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Oct 9, 2020 at 12am - Oct 19, 2020 at 11:59pm
Create an Enhance ER Diagram (EERD) for the following diagram. You are using and illustrating Generalization and or Specialization in this exercise.
Create a Super Entity named Motor Vehicle. The entity has four attributes
- Manufacturer
- value
- Year
The owner, VIN and Manufacturer attributes are a Text / String data type. The cost attribute is a Floating Point data type. The year attribute is a DATE data type
There are Two Sub Entities / Sub-Types that inherit from the super entity Motor Vehicle.
- Car Class
- Cycle Class
The Car Entity has two attributes
- Capacity
- Trunk Size
The capacity attribute is an integer data type. The Trunk Size attribute is a text data type.
The Cycle Entity has three attributes
- Number of Wheels
- Seat Type
- Handle Bar Type
The Number of Wheels is a numeric data type
The Handle Bar Type and Seat Type attributes are a text data type
Make Two Models of this Structure
- One Model Illustrating it as a Disjointed Relationship
- One Model Illustrating it as an Overlapping Relationship
This project may be completed in any modeling software application. However, the final file submitted must be in a Portable Document Format (PDF)
Submit a PDF files or file containing the ER Diagrams