ER Diagram Homework Assignment: Store -Employee-Job
- Due Feb 14, 2018 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- File Types pdf
- Available Jan 21, 2018 at 12am - Feb 14, 2018 at 11:59pm
Here are the requirements for this modeling assignment
Stores have employees. Each store employs one or more employees. Each employee is employed by one store. (In this case, we are assuming that the business rule specifies that an employee cannot work in more than one store at a time.) Therefore, the relationship between STORE and EMPLOYEE is 1:M.
There are Job positions that Employees fill. A job – such as accountant or sales representative -- can be assigned to many employees. (For example, one would reasonably assume that a store can have more than one sales representative. Therefore, the job title “Sales Representative” can be assigned to more than one employee at a time.) Each employee can have only one job assignment. (In this case, we are assuming that the business rule specifies that an employee cannot have more than one job assignment at a time.) Therefore, the relationship between JOB and EMPLOYEE is 1:M.
Create an ER Diagram using Chen Notation that illustrates Entities and Relationships described in the requirements listed above. You can use use the modeling tool of your choice. Currently we should have reviewed using both Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Word to create ER Diagrams using Chen notation.
Submit your Final Diagram in PDF format to this assignment link