In Class Practice Sailor Reservation Database using MS Access
- Due Feb 22, 2017 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available until Feb 22, 2017 at 11:59pm
Download the Microsoft Access Database named CIS 205 from the second Module in Canvas. Follow and complete the activities that are covered in class using the database. Load the Microsoft Access Database modified named CIS 205 into this submission portal.
Use the CIS 205 Microsoft Access Database for this assignment.
If you missed class, I will update this assignment with the list of activities covered and completed during.
In class we reviewed some basics on setting up relationships between tables in MS ACCESS. Additionally we reviewed constructing a multiple table queries in MS ACCESS. In class we wrote a multiple table query that listed the sailor name, boat name and boat color for the sailor with sailor id of 31
Queries Assignments for the In Class Access Assignment
List the Sailors who are under 18
List the boats that are Red
List the Red boats that have been Reserved
Create forms for the following Tables
A form containing all of the attributes for the Boat Table
A Form containing all of the attributes for the Sailor Table
Sailor Boat Reservation.mdb Download Sailor Boat Reservation.mdb